5/12M Nyalotha mage/hunter LF mythic raiding guild

Come on over, we’re a good group, we’re pretty laid back, but focused on progress at the same time. Started our journey into Mythic Nya less than 2 months ago, currently 8/12 with Ra-Den down. We are pushing to hit CE depending on when prepatch drops. Give me a shout on Discord Eibach#6765

Hey! I’d love to chat with you and see if you are a good fit with us. Our guild is currently 6/12M with a 10/12M raid leader (that’s me!). We are on Zul’jin-H. We raid Tue/Wed from 8pm EST until 11pm EST.

If you’d be interested in chatting, hit me up on B.net (Krystalline#1901) or Discord (Krystalline#8213). Good luck in your search!

Hi Aluntyra
I’d like to chat with you about possibly raiding with us :slight_smile:

Reprieve {10/12M} is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Thrall [Horde]. Our current schedule is 2 nights a week , Tues/Weds night at 12am (midnight) to 3am EST. (9pm-12am PST). As with most guilds near the end of an expansion, we have lost members due to burnout and other personal reasons. We are looking to fill in the last dps spot for raid so we can concentrate on the final push to CE this tier.

If you are interested and If this time slot works for you, please let me know

Discord : Nephlim#6908 (Preferred)
Bnet : Nephlim#1798

Hi Aluntyra,

I’m not sure how open you are to race change but, I would love the opportunity to speak with you about joining our community.

Pull More So I Can Pad (PMSICP) is a semi-hardcore-but-we-all-have-jobs Mythic Team recruiting for progression for this tier and beyond, with a focus on strong community and self-sufficiency. We have been around since the beginning of Legion and have grown into the guild we are today. Currently, we are 11/12m and progressing on N’Zoth.

Raid Time: Sunday & Monday 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST (Server) Time
Server: Area 52
Faction: Horde

Please reach out to me if you are interested.

(BNET) // (Discord)

Sargnarg#1936 // Sargnarg#0576

Hey there Aluntyra!

Battle Hardened is a PVE guild on the Wyrmrest Accord server. With a close-knit group of friends, we boast a 7/12M mythic raid team and a friendly atmosphere for all. We are all in this guild because we have the same ideals in mind; we want to be able to progress through World of Warcraft successfully, and enjoy our time as we do so.

Wyrmrest Accord is a smaller server in terms of PVE content - it’s an RP server after all. That gives our raiders the small community feel, though our little corner of PVErs is definitely progression-oriented.

Come Shadowlands we’ll be running two separate raid teams, one mythic and one heroic. I’d say you could run an alt with the 2nd heroic team if you wanted, but it’s certainly not mandatory by any means.

Shadowlands Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Wednesday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Progression ++
Friday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Progression
Saturday 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Progression

++ Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders.

We would love for you to consider us! Add me on btag (valannia#1629)!

Heir is a newly formed competitive raiding guild led by experienced and accomplished Cutting Edge players looking to assemble a top tier group of players who are dedicated and skilled enough to push Cutting Edge at an efficient pace.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9pm EST to 12am EST with an optional heroic/sale run on Sunday at 9PM EST


Our highest priority is currently finding a compatible raid leader. Given the nature of the raid leader spot, we will want to ensure that we have the same mindset, vision and willingness to succeed before making our final pick.

All spots are available - We are looking for outstanding, competitive and motivated players to progress through Shadowlands. High level M+ players also welcome.

About us:

We are looking to form a close group of friends who enjoy progressing at a competitive rate, but outside of raid know how to take (and tell) a joke and enjoy each other’s company. We want players who are active and enjoy playing outside of raid. We strive to form strong relationships with each of our guild members to ensure that each member feels welcome and an integral part of the team and family.
Our goals:

Our goal is to have a community and a team with long lasting consistency able to provide Cutting Edge in a timely manner for all of our core members. We want to form a long term family rather than a short term grab and go. With that goal in mind, it is important that all of our members remain motivated and willing to work as a team as the expansion moves forward.

As the guild’s leaders, we hope to acknowledge and resolve any concerns in a timely manner in order to prevent hindering progression (i.e., roster issues, complacency, drama, etc). We are welcoming and open to concerns guildies may have and are willing to discuss in order to reach a resolution. Our main goal is to progress, but maintaining good relationships with our guild members is our highest priority.

Our expections for players looking to join:

-In-depth knowledge in all specs you will be playing in a mythic raid setting.
-Keeping up to date on class/spec/stat priority/BiS changes
-A positive mindset even during hard prog fights. Absolutely no toxicity will be tolerated.
-Competitive and motivated to succeed as a team, not an individual.
-Able to make all raid times or post in the attendance channel well before raid.
-Respectful and generally a good person.
-Open to constructive criticism and advice from other guild members.

Contact info/App:

Btag - cjsu#1139

Btag - Pirouette#11682

Do Not Release [H] on Bleeding Hollow is recruiting for our mythic team! We are a two night, mythic raiding guild.
Raid Times: Wednesday and Friday- 07:00PM EST to 10:00PM EST.
Current Progression: 12/12H AoTC , 7/12M

Current Needs: Priority spaces, all can be considered.
Tank: Full
Melee DPS: Frost DK, DH, Ret paly
Ranged DPS: Fire Mage, BM hunter, Warlock, Boomkin
Healer: Full
Bench: Anybody class/spec can be considered bench, this comes with a simple expectation of if called upon perform your designated roll, no attendance, no calling out necessary.

Guild Requirements: Prefer 80+ heart and Rank 15 cloak.
Come prepared to raid with anything you may need for the night, and arrive 15 min early. Food, flask, repairs and enchants are provided as needed once trial period is over.

We have been around since BC, with some having been around since vanilla. For the first couple tiers, we were primarily focused on AoTC achievement. This tier, we began to make the transition to a CE focused guild. and prepare for Shadowlands. We like to think we are a very unique guild, that labels themselves more as a community.

Our members all joke around, and have fun both in raid and out. Many of us play multiple other games together on off nights, as well as pushing M+. For this reason, we look for good fits to join our community.
Would love to chat a little more with you and see if we are a good match!

Recruitment Officer: BNET Des#12152
Discord: Des#1036

[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times -
(Main Raid)Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst(4hrs)
(Optional) Saturday Alt/Trial/Casual 730pm pst - 1030pm pst
Progression -
Nyloth 10/12M
EP 4/8M

We are a friendly small casual guild on a very quiet server(Spinebreaker). we bring a stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.

We run keys/alt runs through out the week!
We enjoy pvp as well.
We run a optional Saturday Casual/Alt Heroic clear 730pm pst - 1030pm pst.

Please be able to make Tues/Wed raid times if you plan on raiding with us.
Recruiting for Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst.


msg me thiz #11864

Hey we need a couple more solid ranges dps to round out our roster for the end of BFA and push CE into SL and future tiers! Come check us out! Dalaran<The Mystery Machine recruiting>

im not sure how to close the forum thread. i found my next home. thanks to everyone who reached out and offered me a place.