5/10M Multi Cutting Edge Hpal LF M Prog

still looking!

We have 3 raid teams in guild, very active.
6/10M, Raid Thur/Friday 8pm-11pm. We have 3 raid teams in guild, very active.
6/10M Wed/Thur 8am-11am
3/10M Mondays 8am-11am
Reach out if this interests you

Without#1930: Battle net
Withoutt#8803 :Discord

8/10M us/horde/illidan, add ayy#11363 on btag lets chat and get you in for SLG prog bro

Still looking!

Hi! My guild is Frauds – Zul’jin and we are 9/10 M just starting Sire progression. We raid Tues/Wed/Sun from 8:30-11:00 ET. If these times work for you and you are interested in joining our team, please reach out. We’d love to have you trial with us tonight. Have a good one!

Avare#2045 on disc!

Hello Glimmerlol!

[Evening Shift] is recruiting for our raid groups!

Current Schedule Below

Weekday Raids:

Team Frenzy: 10/10H, 6/10M Castle Nathria (9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Off Night Raids:

Heroic CN Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST Off Night Monday 9:00pm - 12:00pm EST


Thurs/Friday 11:00pm - 2:00am

Server: US-Thrall High Pop PVE

Faction: Horde

About Us: We’re a group of mostly previous CE raiders returning that have acquired multiple realm firsts back in ICC. At peak we had 8 25 man groups going at any given time. Everyone raids based on their performance. It prevents carries and slackers from dragging the progression down. No politics, no favorites, everyone understands how they can succeed. Our goal this tier is CE for all raid teams and pushing for realm first next tier.

Recruiting Needs:

Melee DPS - Closed

Ranged DPS - ALL

Heals - ALL

Minimum Reqs: 210 Ilvl, 10/10H

As always though looking for highly skilled players of any class feel free to drop an add at one of the following

Interested? Bnet: Destro#1898 Discord: Destro#9040



If you are still looking I have an immediate spot for you

Second Attempt is a 5/10M , semi-hardcore, CE minded raiding guild comprised of many former/returning top US 100 raiders located on the Tichondrius server

Currently looking for mechanically sound, punctual pumpers to join our team and assist in the hunt for CE for 9.1 and beyond. If you are looking for an active, relaxed environment with people who push high M+ keys, PVP and gear alts in our spare time this is the place for you!

Raid times:
Tuesday & Thursday 6pm - 9pm PST

Contact for apps/questions:
Discord - Tahk#2844
Wong- Wong#9313
Feet- Feetpics#5541

Hello friendo, we are Carried, a 2/10M horde guild on Kiljaeden. We raid Friday and Saturday at 6pm server aka Pacific for three hours each night. We are very interested in your services. Please contact me on discord Gorlock#7739

Still searching

7/10m Wed/Thurs 7:30-10:00pm PST raids.

Discord: Wowdrew#5138

Still searching for a forever home.