5/10M Experienced Tank LFG

I am currently looking for a tank spot in a guild that raids 2-3 nights a week. Horde or Alliance willing to do either.

I have been progressing on the Brewmaster so far (217) though would prefer to switch to the Vengeance DH (210).

Let me know if any interest.


We are recruiting for another tank as we head into Mythic Nathria, open to you playing whichever of those classes you prefer, although we are currently lacking a DH in raid so that would be ideal!

Have a look through our recruitment post, if we sound like a good fit drop me a message :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, we’d be interested in having you! We need another tank for Mythic. Feel free to check out our recruitment or add me angelkitty#1437 if you wanna chat!
