518 Arms Warrior LF Late Night Mythic Raiding Guild

518 Arms Warrior LF Mythic Raiding Guild I have mythic raiding experience and CE Experience. not against transferring to a different server if need be, Have Logs on request, Also proficient at my other specs and could off spec if i have to but prefer to stay on Warrior. Prefer Guilds that raid late at night but can be flexible to a degree. anything after 11pm EST during the week is perfect and anytime during the weekends are fine.
Thanks again for your time in advance.
BTAG = Xevach#11465
Discord = KevintheSeaCucumber

Hey Xeniz,

Sent you a message on discord :slight_smile:

Still Looking

Hi Xeniz, we’re a mythic focused progression raid team but we aren’t aggressive in our push (meaning we aren’t a CE push group). We just go as far as we can with the time we’re given. That being said, we’re taking it very easy in S4 as most of us aren’t fans of reworked content (so plan to do heroic and maybe first few mythics but nothing much else… not until the new expac). We raid Thurs/Mon 7-10pm PST. More info in my recruitment post below. Hit me up if interested. Thanks!

Hi Xeniz
Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our raid times are
Tuesday/Wednesday - Mythic Team 6/9M Amirdrassil
Thursday - Heroic Team 9/9H Amirdrassil

10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

We are a fun friendly bunch and would love to have you if it is a good fit.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee