50 min of Q times - no games played

It’s really annoying, I waited about 30 min to get into a q, and after going 1-1 someone leaves. It’s a problem.

Yeah aduka, take this game seriously to prove to this troll you’re good at the game :joy:

Sometimes. :dracthyr_uwu: :shield:

Lol right, his numbers aren’t even accurate so I’m just ignoring him until he’s an adult… guess it’ll be a while

One of the easiest ways to boost healer queues is to actually increase healer diversity, not just because people who play the buffed specs would play, but also because it gets boring fast facing the same healer every time all the time - or the same specs in general, every time all the time.

There’s also people who like playing healers in general but maybe not every spec (including the ones that happen to be meta), and because these other specs they’re interested in are garbage they don’t bother.

Buff rshams and rdruids so they stop being free CR

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I also wasn’t trolling you in any way… in most instances I agree with you - they need to fix DK a little (and DH - biased opinion) and some others - how do you fix aug for pvp?, holy priest, but again I think they need to nerf other specs first and THEN compensate the under-performers.

You guys need to take the game seriously to go positive at 1400?

Makes sense.

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First it was 2.2 now it’s 1.4? Make sense.

Not sure where you see negative WL and your numbers are wrong, but keep trolling on your 23 kiddo

He’s cherry picking random data points to fit his troll narrative.

The sooner people accept this game will never be balanced the better off all your mental health will be.

First it was 1.4, but you can’t read. So again, makes sense.

True, I did update it and now you’re positive @ 1550, good job.


Filter to DF S4 → Shuffle.

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Anybody wanna bet

I think Unholy gets positive adjustments either this round of tuning or the next because the spec is beans


Lord forgive me for not caring enough about a troll on the wow forums.

No need to call me that, I do forgive you though.


Don’t worry. Wasn’t calling you Lord.

That’s easy money. Blizz balance this game like a 1980s crackhead.

Your point?

I can do that too. Look at you 15-15 on a warrior. You just broke positive on fury though at 1480, good job

Damn Aduka. You only 1500 with a positive win loss. You should show this guy you can hit 1600 with a positive win/loss.

Oh man, should I do it?!? SHOULD I DO IT?

Nah, that would require me to play my DH instead of complain about them on the forums. Waste of time