Anyone else seeing the extra +5 yards in the Alpha notes? Are they inching us towards our desired 40 yards?
only for Aug buffs.
It’s a talent replacement for Spacial Paradox, which is getting moved to the class tree as a choice node with Time Spiral.
It’s only for Aug, and it only affects their helpful spells .
I wish they gave Time Spiral to Aug and made Defy Fate/Spatial Paradox a choice node instead…
A choice node between those two would make no sense, and Aug having exclusive access to time spiral also makes no sense.
If they were going to make defy fate a class tree option, sharing it with something like obsidian scales makes way more sense, similar to how rogues have cheat death as a choice node with elusiveness.
I’ll miss having an extra hover charge on demand from time spiral, but the emergency range increase will likely be too valuable to pass up for raid builds in most cases. I suppose this choice is the much feared “mobility nerf” that anyone anti-range has been certain would come if evoker gained more range that would cripple the class. As expected, it’s not even a real nerf, especially combined with the hero talents options.
It’s not a mobility nerf, per se. Spatial paradox is mobility in its own right. It’s also not a range buff in the way you’re feeling it is.
Most uses of spatial are pre-planned and for the benefit of the healer. It will be nice to have that extra range in certain situations though, I’m sure. At a 3 minute cd, it’s not something you’ll just pop because you’re out of range of a target.
This is far more about making the other specs more valuable in prog where spatial paradox is forcing players into Aug jail currently.
As dev, it probably will be something I use at my discretion more often than not unless there is a raid mechanic that I would obviously want to have it ready for. It will be nice for burst windows to ensure all hits land even if you have to dance while doing it.
More specifically though, it will be absolutely crucial for PvP. No more popping cool downs and having to waste valuable time trotting forward because the enemy caster backed away a bit while keeping you in their own range.
Lol, you do you brother.
Rogues have infinitely more defensive CD’s. We just have Obsidian Scales as a hard mitigation, so that choice would make even less sense. Devastation’s defensive kit would not be broken with Defy Fate, it’s one of the worse specs in terms of mitigated damage, with druid and shaman being the worst ones.
Not disagreeing, but choice nodes are usually connected in some way.
The fact that spatial paradox is a must take in high end content means we would have to opt out of defy fate in the content where we arguably need it most.
The trade-off doesn’t make sense in this case. Make it zephyr for all I care, at least that’s another defensive node that doesn’t require such an unrelated tradeoff.
To me, if defy fate is becoming available to all specs, it should be as a baseline passive, as anything it shared a choice node with wouldn’t get taken almost ever.
That would be interesting but remember Blizzard WILL NOT give us something without TAKING SOMETHING. Not saying it’s right but that’s how it is. Use this current change as an example. We have the option of Time Spirial or Spatial Paradox, good for people that want the option of Spatial Paradox for Deva and Pres but you lose your emergency hover to get out of situations with Time Spirial. As for Aug, you just got one of your mobilities removed from your tree. You lost Spatial Paradox as an extra movement ability. As you currently can have 4 with 2 hovers, Time Spirial and Spatial Paradox at the same time on retail. You now have 3 with the same dilemma Deva and Pres will face. 5yds extra is nice on paper but likely you won’t feel the difference as you’re already used to the current range of Aug. So if you want that mobility back as Aug you have to take Bestow Weyrnstone, which has its own problems. Blizzard doesn’t like giving us something without a draw back in return. So what will Blizzard take from you in order to give you Defy fate, it might be something major.