If you can’t understand the point being raised in bold, I can’t really help you.
The fact that a million others are not experiencing a thing, does not make what one person is experiencing impossible. Clearly it is possible. The question that needs answering is why.
If it can happen in Asia, it can happen in NA. That is what I am trying to get across to you. I cannot make this any more clear. I am not interested in getting in a pissing match and chest pounding about “muh faction so much better than yours lolololol”.
If you stopped being so defensive for a second, and actually read my posts in this thread, you’d realize I never once made that assertion.
Chill. Read. No one enjoys a lopsided match. I am literally here trying to give Alliance in NA hope, that wins ARE possible in the current meta, and you’re over here trying to argue that no, there is in fact no hope unless the map changes.
Come on now.
Instead of waiting for Blizz to do something that in all likelihood never happen, it might be more productive to figure out what they’re doing in Asia, and do the same here.