5 person group LF Active M+ Guild

Group of friends (Paladin, Warrior, Evoker, Hunter, Rogue) just transferred to Stormrage/Alliance, looking for a good active guild that focuses mostly on pushing M+ keys as high as we can, with maybe some occasional raiding.

One of those 5. We’re still looking for home. We’re all easy going and looking for others to game with. We’ve pushed mythics mostly these last few expansions. Not much raiding myself due to scheduling (24/48s so not consistent as a raider. Goodness, I haven’t touched it since BFA heh). But the guys have dabbled in it since then. It’s mostly been pug-life for us overall, especially when schedules don’t align. We’ve each been active in prior guilds whether helping/putting together groups, or just chatter/banter in gchat.

Whole reason for the server jump, is originally in the beginning of WoW we all were alliance, followed other friends to horde, stayed that side for a long time, then with the prospect of cross faction stuff, it didn’t pan out as cohesively as we’d hoped (server was extremely horde stacked so doing work orders/requests was impossible). So anyway, here we are!

Edit: For some reason it -still- has not updated my characters on the forums. Seraphthicc or Everluna is me in-game ^.^

Hi Everdawn - Mukeru - We are definitely a “Raiding” guild First, but are VERY active with M+ here at Spun. Me and several of our guildies have a passion for M+ and you would be more than welcome with us. If you do want to look at raiding in the future we could talk about that too… :slight_smile: This is an opportunity to join a committed team that will grow with you into Dragonlight and beyond.

Currently, we are 9/9 Normal | 2/9 Heroic in Aberrus.

Raid Times

Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Devonellah#0195 so we can talk more.

Click here to see our full recruitment post.

Hi Mukeru and Everdawn. Out for blood is currently 9/9 normal and 1/9 heroic we raid Tuesday/Thursday 830-1100 We are looking to add more to our raid team and have many players that are working on pushing keys. (currently in the 17-18 range for this season but looking to push higher) Raid is aotc and looking towards some early mythic at the end of the season. If that sounds interesting message me at Tetrisguy#1895 on bnet.
Have a good one.

Hey! Hedonites of Slaanesh is a new guild with a close knit core of friends looking to acheive AOTC in Aberrus. We are actively recruiting and growing our community as fast as we can with all of us being active in Raiding and M+. We’re currently looking for a second/off-tank, 2-3 healers, 2-3 Melee DPS and 4-5 Ranged DPS.

Raid days / Times are Tuesday/Thursday 9 pm 12 am est!

If you would be interested in starting something from scratch with us feel free to add me on discord @ ItsCwispy#9024 and we would love to bring you on board!