5 O'clock Felcycle orb Battle pets

Oh, almost had it on my first try! TY for the strat!

Quick Edit, got it on 2nd try!

Now I gotta see what to do with this Muffin haha

It was before already… im not for or against it just pointing it out.

They’ve gone too far with this step. This is supposed to be fun.

Oh, and if you accidentally complete the quest on timeless isle that gives you (temporary) access to Jamie Weasel, you lose access to him. You cannot pet battle him. You are locked out of the secret hunt.

Ask me how I know!


its only 24 lockout if you open the chest

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And just like that, I’m out of this secret quest. This is no longer a puzzle but a check list of old content. Getting the shadow key was a pain on itself because so many players do not have the toy anymore.


Whole chain is badly designed.


I was already giving up because I could not find any information on how to get those toys for the “shadow key” Specially since I didn’t play BFA at all. Luckily enough someone showed up and I got the key just by standing there.

Now the pet battle just doesn’t make sense at all because not everyone does pet battles, let alone not everyone has those pets.

I’ve never even engaged on that side of the game, which means I’ll have to do a ton of research on it to complete it. If I wanted to play Pokemon, I would go play Pokemon.


Yup, at this point, I am giving up. Completely pointless. I’ll just buy a damn MtDw for the red cycle. $2 is vastly cheaper than this waste of time

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Oh for the love of Thrall. We have to do pet battles for the secrets quests? God why?? Why can’t pet battles be their own thing and not be shoved down my throat?


They also need to be lvl 25 and they need to be “secret pets” and the list is very small of what a secret pet is. So a lot of grinding. This already killed the questline for many players if the toy part didn’t already.

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I honestly reports this Orb 5th as bugged and broken. this is not cool Blizzard.


This is some BS


Still feels bad to be locked out of the secret hunt for the next 16 hours because Jimminy Squeezle is so thoughtless designing this crap.


Pet battles shouldn’t even have been a damn thought in creating this “puzzle” because now it is no longer a puzzle but forcing us into aspects of the game we do not want to play. What is the next step? 500 kills in pvp, doing M+16 without dying and doing it in 10 min?


Don’t give them any more terrible ideas! They’ve got plenty enough already.


Me with 1800 pets…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I mean the guide explicitly states not to touch it. that’s on your if you did

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Do you have the right pets? Because it just isn’t any pets, it is “Secret pets” that are needed at lvl 25. Not just your epic team you built.

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Did the battle with Nelthara, Terky, and Wicker Pup, in that order. I’m not a hugely talented pet battler, but it only took me 3 tries to do it with that setup.

And none of the above pets are horrifically difficult to get. Terky is just something you pick up in Northrend, Wicker Pup is a 10 minute scavenger hunt in Drustvar, and if you have a lvl 70 Evoker, Nelthara is a gimmie pet for doing the Augvoker quest chain.

I can sympathize with people that don’t have enough pet charms to easily level up (and make Wicker Pup rare quality) these pets, but even doing it traditionally, leveling up 3 pets isn’t the worst thing in the universe.

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I have all of them. Levels are irrelevant to me. I never level my pets. I just the throw the xp stones at the pets I need to get them to 25 in seconds.