5/9m 2-day LF Tank, RDPS

If healers could add us, that would be great.

Holy Paladins and Resto Shamans!

patiently… waiting…

Healers welcome!

Still looking!

Loupy is the real last action hero

Potential Confirmation.

Coming this summer,

Loupy is,

The last CANADIAN Action Hero.


I feel like one punch man.

More like 1 piece of loot in the last 2 months man.

shhh don’t give away my strats

yayyy recruitment!

Still looking for healers!

still looking!

Looking for friends

Recruiting Healers! Hpala and Rshaman!

Still Looking!

Too bad this is about an hour too early start time :frowning: have a holy pally and a buddy who’s a prot pally looking for a new home

why you do this to me