5/9m 2-day lf Tank, RDPS

Doesn’t hurt to try!

LF Wölffy to help recruit!

Bump!! for healers!


Holy paladin. resto shaman. need them.

At this point im just going to make my own paladin

Im so exhausted

The paladin has been made.


I would like a solid Rsham or Holy paladin for next tier. Maybe some other solid DPS. A rogue wouldn’t be terrible.

now recruiting dps!

OH?! we’re recruiting dps!?

a rogue wouldn’t be terrible, and last i checked that’s a dps

still looking! :smiley:

Stilll looking! For a Hpal / Rsham, and likely a warlock for next week!

Need a Healer for Tuesday’s Ghuun! :D:D

Looking for Holy Paladins and Restoration Shamans!

This is, not a bump.

Loupy i have arrived fam

Lookin at you sideways, party on tilt :kissing_heart: