5/9m 2-day lf Tank, RDPS


726 posts. Interesting…

happy sunday

to the top!

Tanks and Range DpS!

oh my lort

i hope its old tt7 loopy

1 Like

WOah. who dis?

Who is voidclaw?

that’s a good question haha

is it a good question loupy?

once upon a time

there was a very very angry prot paladin

and there was a loopy

LOOOLLLLLL KIELERRRRRRRR! Never tanked again after you… :blue_heart:

<3 I’m glad I ruined that experience for you.

p.s. i added you to btag, i have some screenshots for you to laugh at

I don’t think ruined, more eye opening that I was not prepared :joy:

Oh boy. I can’t wait.

“I don’t have taunt on my bar…” - Loopy, c. 2012

Woah now. Im pretty sure i had taunt, just not my AoE taunt…

Put the screenshots in discord loupy

Hahahaha uhm… maayybe.

we back at it!

can Demo be gone now? thanks