I’m ready for some new posts
Ladies and gents, boys and rockets
Ohhhh man, he’s bout to pop off!
To the top
Ramen is soogood.
Poptarts are next level
soon TM…
4% Oof
Forever patient
Im tired
Loupy. Chin up buttercup.
Hello i’m a 4 time 0% G’huun wiper looking for more players to get over that dps and mechanical hump for next tier so we can get CE super quick
Chin is foreverdown… i require assistance.
1 Like
I dropped a young like on that comment to help bring it up
Loupy if there is one thing I can always enjoy it is your and your glistening goblin smile.
Healers that offspec DPS plz
Healers with DPS offspec and DPS with DPS DPS offspecs
The day is upon us