5/8M assass/sub rogue LF H/A guild

Hello Rippcity! We are 5/8M, alliance on KT server, raiding twice at week from 8:30-11:30 EST, T/W. (you can post links if you use the `` around it!)

Here is our contact and spam if you’re interested. Our links (wow progress, ranks, etc are in the post linked below)

Ablarg ( Btag: pwnedyou#1183// Discord: pwnedyou0720#3450)
Ríoghnach (Btag: prizma#11192 // Discord: Mint#3740)
Bannedblarg (Btag: Fatman#1884 // Discord: Fatman#8817)
BlargSwag (Btag: Caswagna#1613 // Discord: Tr4nsc3nd3nc3#5280)