5/8M 384 Frost Mage

Hey all, I am currently a 384 equipped / 386 unequipped frost mage (lvl 33 neck) looking to join a guild looking to get cutting edge next raid tier. I am currently 5/8M on Nerzhul (should be 6/8M after this next week). I can raid any nights EXCEPT Wednesday and Thursday as that is when my other guild raids. My mages name is Whosdismage if you wish to look him up on logs; I have all orange parses on heroic. I do not have a server preference however do prefer to stay horde. I always perform solid, maintain 100% attendance and always come early and prepared with everything. My bnet is Whosdisguy#11986 and my discord info is Whosdisguy#4212 if you wish to contact me, or just leave a message below =] Thanks!

Occasional Excellence’s Weekend Team is looking for a strong mage for it’s raid team. We’re currently 7/8M. Check us out!

Hello. Looking to push CE next tier

Who: Cloudy Day is a semi-casual guild. 6/8M & 8/8H & 8/8N late night & weekend guild LFM
What: What does it mean to be semi casual? We expect our raiders to come prepared, know their classes, and not consistently wipe the raid with easy boss mechanics.
When: Friday & Saturday @ 10pm EST to 1:30am
Where: Horde and high pop Zul’Jin server
Why: We are a mostly 30+ year old crowd with the core leadership having served in the military together. In our first guild run ( 17 Feb) we managed to clear 7/11H ABT. Since we started as a guild late we didnt get too far into Mythics. We are excited to see how far we can go in BfA pushing mythics casually.

Any potential trials must have logs from Uldir, be ilvl 370+, and atleast 3/8M. Though we have specific needs any exceptional player(with proof from logs) will be considered.

High Needs:


Any high parsing DPS

Contact: Akishmi#1849 (Bnet) or AaronKish#6048 (Discord - preferred)