4th spec-hunter healing

I think stuff like this too when Ive only had 3 hours sleep every night for the last 4 nights lol

I want the bare barrel chested screaming at you ‘you’re going to make it’ heals and bandages.

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Holy pally, or even resto shaman seem better suited for that. They already carry shields. I always though holy should do its “passive” group healing through melee. It just fits their theme/aesthetic.

OP, we are hunters…in short…killers…proudly we hunt our prey…the only healing we do is our pet and even that is a labor of necessity. That’s a big NO to be healers

Rescue Hunters might make a cool healer spec. Instead of cast times, they channel heals at close range. They can send their pet in to play guard dog for a duration, absorbing a portion of the damage a targeted ally takes and bolster their defenses. Bombs with healing powder for instant, ranged AoE and emergency heals. Ranged shots with numbing effects, granting the target a brief if lesser “ignore pain” effect. Deployed traps/medkits allies could walk over for healing. Resurrection is of course CPR.

I’m of the mind the classes could each use a new spec.

Seems more like he’s wanting a bard, really.

We can talk about hunter healers AFTER we get warrior healers who shout on allies for heals!

Not before shaman tanks.

I used to play first aid warrior. It… did not go well, lol.


FYI there are bandage guns in the game. Also think about companion/comfort animals!

Long overdue for every class to have some sort of ability to tank and heal.

And I love that you told us the hour and minute of your revelation. :smile:

There are so many amazing and majestic responses in this thread. It progressed beautifully. I especially like the suggested rogue healing spec. Shank-of-Life.

o.m.g… o.O

WoW is turning into D&D 4th edition!

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i really don’t understand the fixation of trying to force a healing spec into dps classes… maybe if the healers we have now actually focused on healing more, we wouldn’t need to infuse more healing specs. even on the DH forums, someone tried mentioning a possible 3rd spec as healer. shakes head

Medicine Man.

Hunter 4th spec should be old survival. If they want to add healing to the new survival then I guess it might work but I want old survival back.

I play hunter specifically because I don’t have a tank or heal option. If I wanted to have those options I’d play a hybrid.

Seems as silly as a rogue stabbing people to heal them.

Kind of like Anna from HotS?

Cool idea - but I think DH’s should get a 3rd dps-based healing spec [similar to Disc Priest; using fel magic that’s used for healthstones and the soul shards that are already used for healing] before any of the other classes get a 4th spec.

Yes yes, but I’m saying that we should add these options for people who don’t want to sit around waiting for a tank to finally join.

No one is going to force you to tank or heal. If all classes were suddenly hybrids, would you just quit WoW altogether?