4th RSV Spec: Ranger

After a long break between MoP and BFA, I just got back into wow in the last year. Since then, I’ve been craving RSV, which was my absolute favorite hunter spec in Cata and MoP. Spreading ranged dots with explosives, stings, and black arrow while having my pet out just felt like it fit the hunter theme in wow so perfectly.

I’ve tried MSV and it’s just not for me. I understand that it’s developed a following of people who like the melee hunter fantasy and that’s fine. Given that MSV is always in the thick of the fight, it doesn’t scratch the resourceful and carefully-planned nature of the original RSV hunter, who safely took down targets at range with dots and a pet to distract the enemy.

Considering MSV is pretty heavily baked into the game now and would cause even more stress in the hunter community if it were fully reverted, I think adding in a 4th spec for RSV as the “Ranger” spec would be most appropriate.

To properly differentiate the Ranger, bring back Black Arrow (maybe as a lightning or flaming arrow instead) and give it explosive shot (give MM access to a different talent instead of trying to push RSV abilities into MM) and serpent sting (maybe rename serpent sting for Ranger or MSV so the abilities don’t crossover too much).

Also ensure that it is viable to use a pet without having any abilities directly focused around pet damage, so that BM isn’t infringed upon (like how MSV is taking away from the Beast Master fantasy with Kill Command and Spirit Bond).
By allowing pet usage for Ranger, it adds to the resourceful nature and helps it appear different from MM by being a ranged, non-pet focused hunter spec that still has a pet out in combat.

What do you guys think for a Ranger spec? What would you add/take away from it?


As much as I wish a compromise like this could work; 4 dps specs on a single class still sounds like a balancing nightmare.

I always make the same suggestion when I hear about RSV being returned, and I still think the best compromise is returning RSV’s core gameplay and layering on it MSV’s gameplay through talents (since mechanically MSV is fairly simple past Mongoose Bite, Wildfire Infusion, and a few other talents).

Yes, neither side of the RSV vs MSV debate will be absolutely happy, but at the very least it can quell the controversy quite a bit. Both sides get to retain massive portions of the playstyle they love.

Plus I think thematically SV was always supposed to be the Ranger in the first place. Both RSV and MSV do bring the Ranger fantasy to life, so despite the huge gameplay differences between the two I actually think having a 4th ranger spec would overlap too much - which is a bigger problem since a lot of MSV’s theme overlaps with BM as is.

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I would not put it as a 4th spec. I would actually make Ranger it’s own class and give it

Bowman: A petless ranged spec
Woodsman: A petless melee spec
Swordsman: A petless tank spec

All while wearing mail armor. Then I would give MM hunters back their pet and make survival ranged again. But that’s just me.


Well, a 4th spec is basically not going to happen. So that’s a dead argument.

Unfortunately, that makes it another melee vs ranged for survival again. Here’s another vote for ranged. Still not very likely to happen anytime soon :frowning:


I agree with Khallid


Yeah, I agree the idea of 4 dps specs is pretty insane. At least two of the specs would probably considered unviable in most forms of play. Honestly just trying to find a way for RSV to return in some form without alienating too many players (either on the MM or MSV side)

I swear it’s like I’m one of the few people that visit the forums that like melee survival. I was never a fan of ranged surv, usually only played bm or mm. Melee surv is freakin fun and unique.


Stop, you’ll piss off the mob.

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SV is amazing. It’s EXTREMELY early alpha. Minor skill buffs are not all that’s coming to SV. Ranged SV is not coming back. The moment they give Hunters a 4th spec, they’ve got every other class whining almost as much as Hunters do. Almost. You guys seriously stepped up your game after WoD. Your tears have drowned out even the Mages.

OK I have been wanting this too. Rangers are kind of a mix between Druids and Archers with some rogue features. I play my hunter as kind of a ranger already though because I have stealth, I have two heals (because of the spirit pet heal), and I have my animal companions so I am one with nature I guess.

The ONLY thing that I don’t have is a couple nature type spells. Rangers usually have some nature type spells like maybe replacing trap with a dot/slow and having tentrils reach out of the ground to poison your enemy. But I see what you mean OP. I love the ranger class.

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I would do this(link below):



312 posts

101 Night Elf Demon Hunter180


SV is amazing. It’s EXTREMELY early alpha. Minor skill buffs are not all that’s coming to SV. Ranged SV is not coming back. The moment they give Hunters a 4th spec, they’ve got every other class whining almost as much as Hunters do. Almost. You guys seriously stepped up your game after WoD. Your tears have drowned out even the Mages.

Yeah after pumping 14 years of money into this game I feel like we have a right to complain when they completely butcher a lot of people’s favorite spec/class. Hunters damn near lost their complete identity in Legion. I really don’t care if you like SV right now or not.


You’ve been whining about it for 4 years. Move on or seek help at this point. Melee SV is fun, and it’s here to stay as long as the Devs want it to. There is no way they’re giving hunters a 4th dps spec, unless they decided to do the same for most every other class.

Think his point was that you can play other classes for melee. There are a lot to choose from. SV used to be my fav spec too when it was ranged.


So why do you feel the need to constantly come on here and speak against players asking for a 4th spec option, or just in general try to ridicule other posters?

If you’re so sure that a 4th spec will never happen and that there’s no way they will ever revert current SV back to it’s old theme, why bother with what you’re spending so much time on here?


Why do you insist on whining about the same thing for four plus years. I would like the devs to focus on fixing the actual specs instead of half of the posts on this forums being the same 3 or 4 people continually posting this.

When even Bepples acknowledges a 4th spec isn’t coming, move on.

Asking people who are wasting time asking for something that isn’t going to happen is a waste of time because it isn’t going to happen.

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I’m all for this idea , but I’d say balancing the current specs in both pve and PvP should be the first step. If they don’t show they care enough to do this for hunters, then adding a 4th spec will inevitably be a mess

Not to mention the fact that giving Hunters a 4th spec also means they’ve got to give EVERYONE a 4th spec. Will never happen.