4th Gen DK Questions

So I am wishing to RP as a Pandaren DK - I assume like 99% of these will be 4th gen as I don’t think many Pandaren at all were outside of Pandaria during 3rd gen.

So my questions are:

  1. Were they transformed willingly? As in, was it a choice they made or were they forced into serving Bolvar/ The Ebon Blade?
  2. Do they have the same “bloodlust” that 3rd gen and before DKs had? I know most undead in general have some form of desire to give pain, but do they have the same “eternal hunger”?
  3. How old would they be? As in how long has it been since they have been raised?
  4. Would a Pandaren from the Wandering Isle fit as a 4th gen DK? (This one is specific just to my new toon, and I’m pretty sure the answer is “yes”, but I wanna be sure)


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It is voluntary. Bolvar and the Ebon Blade treated them respectfully, acknowledging the sacrifice they’re making in their undead life. The new Horseman were also raised willingly.

Bolvar did not force them to the Helm’s will. He knew Sylvanas was coming for it so he intentionally kept them and the Ebon Blade at a distance, in case she took the Helm and put it on. The 4th gen death knights are completely free willed, just like the Ebon Blade. Even more so with the Helm’s destruction.

The bloodlust part is unknown, but I wouldn’t think they do. Not all undead have that eternal hunger for life, the forsaken are pretty fine. I think it was more of a special conditioning Arthas put on the 3rd gen, but I could be wrong.

They died during the 4th war in BfA and were raised toward the end of it. As the new generation is mainly allied races who only recently appeared, and pandaren. But for RP you can assume he raised anyone from the original races too. A pandaren is perfectly fine! If your skill and personality catches the Ebon Blade’s interest, and you die, then you’ll be a candidate.


Okay one more question: Were they like, offered this after they died? Like their soul was communicated with or something?

They’re just raised first, then they get briefed up to speed. If they really want to say no they probably can, but generally people who have a strong sense of duty and will to keep fighting are chosen. Ones who can handle this, so it’s unlikely they’ll decline.

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Tysm for all this info :stuck_out_tongue:

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I always thought the pain that compelled DKs to kill to ease the pain from the eternal hunger went away with the destruction of the helm. The short story set before Shadowlands made it seem like that was the case.

Asana pretty much covered it, the only thing that is up in the air really is how long they would have been a Death Knight. If I do some presumptuous napkin math it would be around a year or two as I don’t think Bolvar was raising any Death Knights before the Legion’s second invasion.

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Thanks for the help :stuck_out_tongue: