478 Holy Paladin LF Mythic Progression

I’m looking to fill in for a guild needing a temporary healer for the rest of expansion. I’m 478 Holy Paladin 5/12M. Looking for mythic Ny’alotha progression. I’m available Tue/Thurs 8-11PST.

Check us out. Please PM me

We are new and working on raiding days. Right now its Tuesday/Wed but we are considering switching to Tue/Thurs

Hello friend! My name is Bullcon and I represent <Raiding Is Hard:(> We are an extra late night Horde raiding guild based on Area 52. We’re currently 10/12M and recruiting DPS to help us get CE this tier and then every tier in Shadowlands and beyond.

Raid Days and Times:
-We raid Tuesday and Thursday from 11pm-2am PST or 2am-5am EST or 1am-4am CST

-We also have optional raid days on Wednesday/Monday at the same times where we do carry runs. We sell Heroic Nyalotha and Jaina mounts to make our raiders some money as well as fund things like guild repairs and money for proffesions in Shadowlands. Attendance is optional on these days.

Current progress:
-Currently we are 10/12M and are working on Carapace, we’re consistently getting to 3rd phase.

Contact Info:
If you’re interested in us then feel free to reach out to me any time or day. I look forward to speaking with you!

-Discord: Bullcon#6858
-BattleTag: Bullcon#1672