478 DK LF Casual Mythic Prog Guild on Proudmoore (US)

Hey Bella,

A few things.

  1. We’re not on Proudmoore
  2. We are a relatively new guild

So why am I pinging you? The guild was formed by WoW vets and we actively decided to take a step back in personal progression this raid tier to create an active community of raiders and M+ runners. We seem to have succeeded in that regard. While quite a few members have also cleared heroic and downed some bosses in Mythic, we have also welcome a lot of returning players into the guild.

To that affect, we just started to re-progress Nyalotha as <Sèrendipity> Alliance on Dalaran to begin sorting our our raid core for Shadowlands.

As a guild we will be helping folks achieve Keymaster and pushing high keys. We will also be AOTC each raid tier while also pushing into Mythic, but likely not cutting edge.

We raid T/TH 7:30-9:30pm PST. I think we would be a good long term fit. Let me know if interested. Our recruitment post is below along with out contact information for myself, and our GM, Bender.

Bender#1870 - Bnet
Bender#1504 - Discord
Redonk56#1461 - Bnet
Redonkulous#0245 - Discord