476 Destro Lock LFG

Hi there,

Sèrendipity is also on Dalaran, but the alliance side. We are looking for a Warlock for our raid core. We are a new guild that is currently taking a step back from our personal raid progression to help gear new and returning players for the current raid tier. We are doing this solely to establish our raid core for legion.

Normal Nyalotha has been completely cleared, and the guild progress is 3/12H currently (although if you looked up individual members you would find some are 12/12H).

Our Raiding goal is to be AOTC for every raid tier while also stepping into and knocking down Mythic bosses where possible. We are building an active community first which means we run mid to high M+ keys nightly as well. We also have a smaller contingent of the guild that does a good amount of PVP.

Here is a link to our recruitment post: [A][US][Dalaran] <Sèrendipity> Friendly Active Guild LFM - #2 by Bobbÿ-dalaran

We raid T/TH 7:30-9:30pm PST

If interested, let’s talk. Feel free to reach out to myself or Bender. Our info is below:

Bender#1870 - Bnet
Bender#1504 - Discord
Redonk56#1461 - Bnet
Redonkulous#0245 - Discord