476 BM Hunter LFG

Hi Sniper,

We’re actively recruiting for Shadowlands and looking for players with some prior mythic experience who want to step into a more organized raid environment going into the expansion. We raid a fairly casual schedule at 9-hour per week, and try to take advantage of our limited schedule with a high level of preparation. As an example of our level of preparation, raid testing starts tomorrow and, while we do not test ourselves, we do take testing footage and logs from other guilds to create video guides for the heroic encounters. That means we’ll have some fight guides for Castle Nathria posted on our discord this upcoming weekend (presuming blizzard manages run the tests a bit better than the early Nyalotha tests in 8.3). Those guides serve as the starting point for our strategy discussions. You can find an example of one from Nyalotha in our guild recruitment post.

In addition to our focus on preparation, we have a relentless focus on maintaining a positive and produtice culture within our raid, as you can read about in our post. You can also check out some video examples of our raid nights from Ny’alotha.

Now before we go further I should mention a few things that I read in your post that might mean we might not be a perfect fit. We do raid an hour earlier than you’re looking for at 7pm EST, and we are Horde on Mal’Ganis. Additionally, our focus is entirely turned to Shadowlands. We’re currently doing an alt heroic (might end up moving into mythic in a couple weeks) on Mondays and that’s it for now.

If none of those are dealbreakers, give us a look. If you like what you see, drop us an app on our website or add me on btag at Klik#1399