471 Havoc DH LF Raiding/M+ Guild

Returning player looking for a raiding guild. 9/9N of current raid with a few characters looking to mostly play DH. I mostly do M+ in my free time aiming for 2.5k iO for every season if not higher. If you have any questions feel free to btag me @ Crimzic#1225

Pretty laid back person that usually keep to themself, but will help out if asked.
Actively raising ilvl as quick as I can.

Hi Astarix, Our Raid leader at “Insanity Raiding” (18+) has been LF a DH for our raids. We are a large casual progressive guild that is N 9/9 and H 2/9. We raid T/W 7:45-10pm EST., w/ many of our members aged 50+. Besides raiding the guild does M+ (both low & KSM lvl), some PVP (BGs), TWs, Old content raids at times, etc. If we sound like a good fit for you, just IM me in game for either more info/invite. I’m usually online in the afternoon practically everyday, but if you can’t catch me and just desire an invite, then just go to guild-finder and apply directly to “Insanity Raiding” (under Raid, not Social tab). Hope to have you join our family!

Hi Astarix - We are ful for our main raid team - but are starting to host Normal Amir’drassil raids on Sunday evenings at 8:30 p.m. ET that will eventually move to Heroic when our alts are geared! We also have a vibrant and friendly Mythic+ key running scene If you are interested in learning more - feel free to add me on Discord :slight_smile:

Feel free to contact me on Discord: Devonellah#0195 or devonellah

Click here to see our full recruitment post.