470 warrior former CE raider LF aotc or mythic raiding guild and home for SL

Hey Mayhelms!

I’m Raz from < Emergence > over on Mal’ganis. We are a newly established raiding guild preparing to hit Mythic Nya on the 28th, and continue cementing our roster in advance of Shadowlands. We would be very interested in a player like yourself - especially as a warrior DPS which is a high need for us atm.

In our first two weeks of raid we have cleared heroic Nyalotha (11/12H with N’zoth down to 10% first week, and full cleared in 3 hours the next week). Our team has come together nicely, but we are still in need of DPS to round out and bulk up the roster going forward.

If you are interested, have a look at our post which has more information on our schedule, expectations, etc. and then add me on Discord at Raz#8161.
