470 boomkin

Looking for a horde guild on mal ganis to raid mythic with 470 Ilvl 3/12 with 5/12 exp raid times don’t really matter add Kraig#1334 to discuss further

If you ever decide to leave Mal’Ganis, we could use a Boomie over here on Area-52.


Pull More So I Can Pad (PMSICP) is a semi-hardcore-but-we-all-have-jobs Mythic Team recruiting for progression for this tier and beyond, with a focus on strong community and self-sufficiency.**

Currently: 12/12 AOTC & 4/12M.

Pull More So I Can Pad (PMSICP) is a semi-hardcore-but-we-all-have-jobs Mythic Team recruiting for progression for this tier and beyond, with a focus on strong community and self-sufficiency.

PMSICP is a fresh collection of veteran players with experience ranging from Cutting Edge, classic/vanilla, battlegrounds, and arenas. We are (and look for) strong players that may not have as much time as they once did to devote to pixel slaying due to real life but still want to get sh*t done when they are on.

Formed during Legion, PMSICP dominated heroic content with ease and, after a few more tiers, realized Mythic was the answer to the need for more challenging content. After building a strong Mythic team at the onset of Eternal Palace, we achieved 5/8 progression while still solidifying the ranks. Now, with a strong footing, heading into Ny’alotha we are looking to fill in a few more key slots to push progression hard to continue growing in rank on Area 52.

Raid Time: Sunday & Monday 8:00 - 11:00 PM Eastern (Server) Time
Server: Area 52
Faction: Horde

What we offer:

  • Organized raiding environment – We have progression 2 days a week, we make them count
  • Strong Mythic+ community – Top (Rank 1-20) class representations for the server
  • Active Discord – There is always a discussion going on
  • Optional Raid Nights – Something happening every day – Normal, Heroic, and PvP
  • Non-toxic community – Drama need not apply

This is where your awesome-ness comes in. Do you watch videos prior to an encounter? Is Warcraftlogs and RaidBots on your bookmarks bar? Do you like progressing towards CE but don’t have or want to raid 4-5 days a week? We want you.

We are looking for players that know their class, don’t need to be handheld, and are looking for a competitive yet relaxed Mythic progression environment to become a key part of.

We are looking for:

  • Strong DPS w/ Healer Offspec [Very High]
  • Mage [High]
  • Warlock [High]
  • Strong Melee DPS [Medium]
  • Hunter [Medium]
  • Ret Pally [Medium]

** All exceptional applicants should apply!


Contact us:

(BNET) // (Discord)

Seanishly#1837 // Seanishly#3666
Ama#11132 // Ama#4407

Guild: Dominion
Area 52 – Horde
6/12 Mythic

Dominion is a progression focused guild that realizes real life happens. We’re not seeking server firsts, but we do want to clear the top tier of content.

Founded in Vanilla on Altar of Storms, we transferred to Stormrage in 2012 as the server population started to decline. On AoS we were consistently making server seconds and we hovered around the top 10-20 guilds on Stormrage consistently. With the Alliance raiding population dwindling, we transferred to Area 52 in 2019 with the expectation of continuing our long standing success.

In short, if you’re looking for a consistent guild that makes progression targets, without the demands of those in the World First races, Dominion might be the place for you.

We are recruiting all Exceptional DPS and healers.

Guild Progress
h ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Dominion
h ttps://raider.io/guilds/us/area-52/Dominion

Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-11PM EST
Optional Heroic Saturday 8-11PM EST

How to Apply
Please fill out an application at h ttps://forms.gle/yQJL9s8R8Vcv3F2s7
Visit our Discord for more information at h ttps://discord.gg/CJNKuXS
Feel free to contact any officer in game with questions; árch (Arch#11328), Sarisia (Solarshadow#1696), Aureliee (Aurelie#11489), or Kobrakaix(Kobrakai#1378).

Hey Kraig, added you on bnet would love to talk to ya! Heres a little about us :slight_smile:

Transcendent 3/12M 12/12H Newly transfered to Zul’Jin is recruiting to fill out our core roster for Mythic progression in Ny’alotha and forward. We are a Semi-Hardcore progression guild aiming to achieve Cutting Edge by end of tiers.

Raid Times
Tues 10PM - 1AM EST
Weds 10PM - 1AM EST
Thurs 10PM - 1AM EST
We start forming raid at 9:45PM EST and expect EVERYONE to be in raid by 10PM.

Raider Expectations
We expect all our raiders to come into raid with a progression based mindset. To come prepared, this means knowing the fights, being on time and having an understanding of your class/spec.
We supply all our raiders with Flask and Consumables.

Roster Needs
Currently recruiting ALL exceptional HEALERS and DPS!

Contact Us!
Cobains, GM - hamster#11650 ~ BNET, hamsterhiatus#9997 DISCORD
Slandor, RL - BigChungus#1280 ~BNET
Meta, Officer - molo#1476
Bob, Officer - NightKnight#137637

Storm 6/12M is recruiting new raiders!

Storm is an alliance mythic raiding guild located on Sargeras US. Originally formed in late 2004 on Gilneas, the guild was later transferred to Sargeras for recruitment purposes.

We consider ourselves semi-hardcore while clearing content at a pace acceptable to the guild leadership. We are an adult guild primarily with average ages ranging from 20-30s range. Our atmosphere is primarily laid back for farm but serious during progression. We expect every member to have researched their class / spec / encounters etc. and make quick adjustments to ensure lower pull counts.

We aim to get a cutting edge achievement each raid tier if it is attainable within our raiding hours.

-Raid Times-
Main Raids: Tue / Wed - 7:30p-10:30p CST
Optional: Thurs - 7:30p-10:30p CST

-Recruitment Needs-
Tank: Closed
Melee: All classes - Warrior, etc (Exceptional)
Ranged: All classes - Mage, Hunter, Boomkin, Priest, Warlock
Healer: All classes - Closed

-BFA Progression-
Ny’alotha, the Waking City - 6/12M 12/12H
The Eternal Palace - 7/8M 8/8H
Crucible of Storms - 2/2H
Battle of Dazar’Alor - 9/9M (CE)
Uldir, the Halls of Control - 8/8M (CE)

-Legion Progression-
Antorus the Burning Throne - 11/11M (CE)
Tomb of Sargeras - 7/9M
Nighthold - 10/10M (CE)
Trial of Valor - 2/3M
Emerald Nightmare - 7/7M (CE)

We are seeking to recruit individuals who are knowledgeable and keep up to date on their raiding spec(s) and sims. We aren’t a guild that is interested in carrying any one individual and will expect all members to keep up with maintaining their primary main character for raids on a weekly basis. That includes farming best in slot essences, obtaining AP for HOA, Weekly Islands Cap, Mythic + weekly cache, etc. If you are someone who likes to take frequent breaks from the game or gets bored easily doing the same things over and over, (ie raiding the same content every week or keeping up with dailies and mythic +), then this is not the guild for you. We like to have fun but we also want to progress at a rate we feel we can accomplish and we don’t want to be held back.

In addition to what was mentioned above we also require the following below.

-Raiding Requirements-
18 years of age or older
Working Mic / Ability to communicate in raids via Discord
Previous Mythic Raiding Experience (Current Expansion Only)
Consistent Main Raid Attendance
Semi-quick learning curve / Mechanics Execution
Positive attitude / Willingness to want to be in the raid
Lvl 60 Heart of Azeroth minimum

-Application Process-
Storm requires a short application and discord interview before joining the guild for a trial.

The application can be found here:


We typically review applications 2-3 times per week. If you do not receive a response back within 1 week of applying, assume your application was declined or cancelled.

-Contact Points-
Panhu#11240 (BNET) - GM
Panhu#0477 (Discord)
Rynzler#11268 (BNET) - Officer
Rynzler#2573 (Discord)
Irosamm#1160 - (BNET) Officer
Tearocki#1475 (BNET) - Healing Officer

I would like to talk with you if you are still looking. We are making quick progression and would like to have you be part of it. My spam is below.

Raiders, Mythic + peeps,
We are 3/12M and nearly got Shad’har on our first night with only 1.5 hours of work <22%. We are, and will be AOTC and CE every tier. We like to run a lot of M+ as well. Sundays will be our “Funday” or sale day for heroic 8-10pm server in the future.

Raid days:
Tues / Wed 8-11:30 pm server (est)

Progression: (2/25/2020 First raid)

Current Build:
Tanks: 2/2
Healers: 4/4
Melee: 7/7
Ranged: 7/7

Needs: (As of 3/18/2020)
Tanks: 0
Healers: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: 0

GM: Painreaper#1101

bumparino to the toparino

we’re lookin for more ranged for our roster! If you have logs and can make our days/times, we’d be happy to chat! our info is below

Malicious on area52H is currently seeking a few more players to bolster our ranks and push CE and current content! We are open to any exceptional dps even if your class isn’t currently a high priority for recruitment.

currently, we are 6 Mythic and 12/12 H.

★ raid Tuesday & thusday 745pm EST to 11pm EST
★ OPTIONAL heroic on weds 745pm est to 11pm

We are active in discord, run a lot of m+, some players do arenas and Rbgs. We are all mature adults. We have a respectful and communicative raid environment. We do invites and pull trash at 745pm and expect to be on the boss by 8 pm EST or sooner.

We are currently seeking:
★ 1 ele sham with capable resto os - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 mage - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 boomkin - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 warlock - HIGH PRIORITY

★ 1 RET paladin - HIGH PRIORITY

Being able to flex into other roles with capable Offspec is a bonus and highly encouraged.

Currently 6 Mythic NWC! 12/12H

★ the beginning of a new tier and the end of the tier, we vote to add an extra day to help push CE and AOTC.
★ raid Tuesday & thusday 745pm EST to 11pm EST
★ OPTIONAL heroic on weds 745pm est to 11pm
★ we run a lot of m+
★ there are a few members that do arena and Rbgs

here are some of our standards & expectations:
you must be:
★ HoA: 78+
★ heroic current content (11/12 or AOTC)
★ Prog 3M preferred but must have mythic pulls/logs (even if only wipes)
★ Parse Avg 70-80% or better in Mythic
★ Must be open to constructive criticism, willing to adapt and be flexible.
★ post afk with ample notice (emergencies and some exceptions apply)
★ be ready with consumables and supplies
★ know/be familiar with the fight
★ complete a minimum of 1 M+ at 15 or higher, weekly

you may reach out to us via btag or discord
luna#14515 - recruiter
luna discord: Lunanyte#8544

Chris#111980 - GM/ raid lead
chris discord: Christopher#8411

bumparino to the toparino

While we aren’t quite mythic ready, and also not on Mal’ganis, I thought I’d throw our recruitment post into the mix for you to look through. Currently 12/12H and could need some ranged to fill out last few spots for mythic.
Don’t hesitate to contact one of us with any questions and the like.

TL;DR: \

  • Raid Times:
    mythic team: Thursday 8-11 and Sunday 7-11 Central
    casual team: Monday/Tuesday 6:30-9 Central
  • Current Progression:
    mythic team: 6/12M Nya, 7/8M EP, CE BoD, 7/8M Uldir, Legion Cutting Edge EN, ToV, Antorus
    casual team: AOTC Nya, AOTC EP, 1-9M BoD, 2/8M Uldir


  • Our mythic team is LF1-2M adult raiders for the core team. Ideally a fire mage, warrior or boomkin. Also would consider a solid tank.
    However , we are open to all players regardless of class who fit the team.
  • Our casual team is also LFM for casual heroic raiding (Mon/Tues 6:30-9 Central) with some mythic as the roster expands. High priority for boomkin, priest and warlock.
  • Preference for older raiders due to the average age of the both team’s members.

Enjoy this post written by one of our mythic team’s raiders:

About the mythic team:

Team Aggro Wores is looking to fill our ranks with more players for nights filled with raiding, frustration, and occasionally loot! We are a mythic progression team comprised largely of decent to talented players who refuse to accept their mediocrity and stubbornly strive for Cutting Edge each tier. If this sounds like you and describes how you want to spend your nights for whatever reason, please read on! We are looking for raiders who:

  • Can act like adults and treat each other with (at least a minimum level of) respect (for at least 7 hours a week). Our average raider age is 30+ and has a tendency towards crotchety opinions and boring hobbies. We do have younger raiders, but they have learned to be okay with some of our more insecure members seething with envy of their youth. Also, 20% of our roster is LGBT. We didn’t go out and try to recruit them, but somehow they keep finding us and here we are, years later, with a small cadre of lumberjacks and princesses.
  • Are reliable and attend 90% of raids since mythic is inflexible with raid sizes and you can easily screw over 18 normal people and 1 shrieking harpy of a raid leader. You think I’m kidding but, for real, she’ll come at you. Real life happens, and we all get that, but a week’s notice for absences is considered a courtesy to your fellow teammates and assists with roster management.
  • Maintain great raid awareness since mythic is really hard and we’ll have a tougher time slogging through it if you don’t read up on mechanics or watch strat videos before encounters. Also of note, I’ve learned the best way to have a peaceful night is to mess up as little as possible so the RL leaves you alone. Kind of a Stockholm syndrome that results in a win-win situation, really.
  • Handle criticism well and accept feedback ; related to the shrieking harpy note above. When people get overly defensive about their mess ups, it makes for really awkward pauses in conversation on Discord and my little heart can’t handle that.

About the guild:

on Burning Legion is a large guild that has been around since the ice age, practically. The elders among us say the raid team has been around since 2007. The team was initially comprised of two guilds which eventually merged to form in 2010. We’ve been fortunate that the guild has remained active all these years, even during content droughts and rough expansions.

We have two raid teams; in addition to our Aggro Wores team described above, we also have a second more casual raid team, Grumpy Old Men, which has somehow evolved over the years to be less crabby than Aggro Wores.

I don’t know if it’s the hours of mythic progression forcing familiarity or if we genuinely like each other, but the team has developed a great sense of community. Our Discord server is very active and celebrated our 8th in-person guild party at last year’s Blizzcon, even if one of our warlocks is as much of a snide little punk in person!

Additional information:

Our RL made me copy and paste this section since she’s a dictator and feels it’s necessary and, frankly, most of the time it’s easier to just let her get her way than argue:

  • Our raiding policy and code of conduct are listed on our website at [ww w. crossbonesguild. org](http:// ww w. crossbonesguild .org/) (please make an account to see all of the site’s content).
  • We do not check our Reddit mail on this account so please contact directly in game or via our website.
  • You can contact the RL/GM directly on Bnet: Kaligaran#1236 or Discord: Kali#0021 if you’re insane enough to think the mythic group will suit you.
  • If you are interested in casual heroic raiding, please contact on Bnet: Tandy#11606 .

hi there kraig! We are currently seeking a few more ranged for our roster and you’re potentially a fit! Ive added you on btag and would love a chance to speak with you and see your logs for these encounters and prog.

we are an active guild running many m+ keys, we play overwatch, league and some other online games together as well. here’s our general info below

should we not be a fit for you, best of luck finding a team that suits your needs.

Malicious on area52H is currently seeking a few more players to bolster our ranks and push CE and current content! We are open to any exceptional dps even if your class isn’t currently a high priority for recruitment.

currently, we are 6 Mythic and 12/12 H.

We are active in discord, run a lot of m+, some players do arenas and Rbgs. We are all mature adults. We have a respectful and communicative raid environment. We do invites and pull trash at 745pm and expect to be on the boss by 8 pm EST or sooner.

★ raid Tuesday & thusday 745pm EST to 11pm EST
★ OPTIONAL heroic on weds 745pm est to 11pm

We are currently seeking:
★ 1 ele sham with capable resto os - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 mage - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 boomkin - HIGH PRIORITY
★ 1 warlock - HIGH PRIORITY

★ 1 RET paladin - HIGH PRIORITY

Being able to flex into other roles with capable Offspec is a bonus and highly encouraged.

Currently 6 Mythic NWC! 12/12H

★ the beginning of a new tier and the end of the tier, we vote to add an extra day to help push CE and AOTC.
★ raid Tuesday & thusday 745pm EST to 11pm EST
★ OPTIONAL heroic on weds 745pm est to 11pm
★ we run a lot of m+
★ there are a few members that do arena and Rbgs

here are some of our standards & expectations:
you must be:
★ HoA: 78+
★ heroic current content (11/12 or AOTC)
★ Prog 3M preferred but must have mythic pulls/logs (even if only wipes)
★ Parse Avg 70-80% or better in Mythic
★ Must be open to constructive criticism, willing to adapt and be flexible.
★ post afk with ample notice (emergencies and some exceptions apply)
★ be ready with consumables and supplies
★ know/be familiar with the fight
★ complete a minimum of 1 M+ at 15 or higher, weekly

you may reach out to us via btag or discord
luna#14515 - recruiter
luna discord: Lunanyte#8544

Chris#111980 - GM/ raid lead
chris discord: Christopher#8411

Color Blind - 7/12M Ny’alotha, 7/8M Eternal Palace, 9/9M BoD (8:30pm - 12am CST, Fri/Sat)

Part of the fantastic community < Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis, Color Blind does its best not to earn its name every Friday and Saturday with some entertaining, laid back raids that even result in dead bosses!

If this sounds like the team for you, contact ilpad#1438 to chat, or visit SeraphGuild.com to apply!

< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.

With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:

  • Core raids for each team
  • Community raids open to all
  • Legacy & achievement events open to all
  • M+ Dungeons
  • Twitch hosting for raiders
  • Social Media promotion
  • Active guild discord
  • Blizzcon meetups

Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.

  • Color Blind - 7/12M Ny’alotha (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438
  • Insomnia - 3/12M Ny’alotha (10pm - 1am CST, W/Th) - trohe#1927
  • Clockwise - 11/12H Ny’alotha (8pm - 11am CST, Su) - oneg#11294
  • Loud Noises! - 5/12M Ny’alotha (9pm - 12am CST, Su/M) - falsify#1356
  • Barely Heroic - 12/12H Ny’alotha (10:30pm - 1:30am CST, T/Th) - kylani#1647

Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
Visit SeraphGuild.com for more information, and watch us raid at http://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild!

We got another boss. We would like to speak to you about our team. We are 4/12M and nearly got HIVEMIND (<22%) with less than 1 hour of work. My spam is below if interested.

Raiders, Mythic + peeps,
We are 4/12M and nearly got HIVEMIND (<27%) with less than 1 hour of work. We are, and will be AOTC and CE every tier. We like to run a lot of M+ as well. Sundays will be our “Funday” or sale day for heroic 8-10pm server in the future.

Raid days:
Tues / Wed 8-11:30 pm server (est)

Progression: (2/25/2020 First raid)

Current Build:
Tanks: 2/2
Healers: 4/4
Melee: 7/7
Ranged: 7/7

Needs: (As of 3/25/2020)
Tanks: 0
Healers: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: 0

If you have good logs hit us up. Even though we are full, we like competition. Bring it !

GM: Painreaper#1101