469 fire mage (4/12 exp) lf guild / raid team

On the off chance that you are still looking we are suddenly hurting for raiders too with the current IRL stuff.
Been raiding together since mid Wrath, and do a lot of M+ together.
Lemme know!
Discord (Metrolol #1206)

I know you are crushed with the amount of replies. lets talk before you make your choice. We have the same progression and we are about to get Hivemind. Group up with us and continue to push. My spam is below for your reading if you are interested. Thanks, Pain

Raiders, Mythic + peeps,
We are 5/12M and looking to keep pushing. We are, and will be AOTC and CE every tier. We like to run a lot of M+ as well. Sundays are our “Funday” or sale day for heroic 8-10pm server.

Raid days:
Tues / Wed 8-11:30 pm server (est)

Progression: (2/25/2020 First raid)

Current Build:
Tanks: 2/2
Healers: 4/4
Melee: 7/7
Ranged: 7/7

Needs: (As of 3/25/2020)
Tanks: 0
Healers: 0
Melee: 0
Ranged: 0

If you have good logs hit us up. Even though full we like competition. Bring it !

GM: Painreaper#1101

Color Blind - 7/12M Ny’alotha, 7/8M Eternal Palace, 9/9M BoD (8:30pm - 12am CST, Fri/Sat)

Part of the fantastic community < Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis, Color Blind does its best not to earn its name every Friday and Saturday with some entertaining, laid back raids that even result in dead bosses!

If this sounds like the team for you, contact ilpad#1438 to chat, or visit SeraphGuild.com to apply!

< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.

With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:

  • Core raids for each team
  • Community raids open to all
  • Legacy & achievement events open to all
  • M+ Dungeons
  • Twitch hosting for raiders
  • Social Media promotion
  • Active guild discord
  • Blizzcon meetups

Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.

  • Color Blind - 7/12M Ny’alotha (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438
  • Insomnia - 3/12M Ny’alotha (10pm - 1am CST, W/Th) - trohe#1927
  • Clockwise - 11/12H Ny’alotha (8pm - 11am CST, Su) - oneg#11294
  • Loud Noises! - 5/12M Ny’alotha (9pm - 12am CST, Su/M) - falsify#1356
  • Barely Heroic - 12/12H Ny’alotha (10:30pm - 1:30am CST, T/Th) - kylani#1647

Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)

Visit SeraphGuild.com for more information, and watch us raid at http://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild!

1 Like

Hi Pahsta, <Nobility> is an Alliance late-night raiding guild on Kel’Thuzad server, whose core has been raiding together since Wrath times, is recruiting for some fun. We raid Tue/Wed/Thu from 11pm to 2am server time (which is 10pm - 1am PST or 1am - 4am EST). An we would like you to consider joining us.

Current progression is:

  • Ny’alotha: 6/13M 12/12H

Point form about us:

  1. We raid late night.

  2. We’re semi-hardcore: we value progression but also balance it with RL.

  3. Our raid leader isn’t a frat boy on a power trip; but we also enforce performance, politely but effectively.

  4. We don’t recruit for the bench. Spots are always competitive. It is your performance and attendance alone that will determine your spot - not how much officers like you.

  5. We’re quite stable, having been raiding together, non-stop, since the start of WoD.

Looking for more details? Contact us and ask away! Or check us out on wowprogress.

How to contact us?

Choose one of the following:

  • Contact Charodey#5945, Barlar#7769 or Card#4137 on Discord.

  • Visit discord.gg/pzwdmc5 and fill out a short app.

  • Add Volshebnik#1818 or Barlar#1928 or on Bnet.

  • Post here, leaving your battletag.

  • Contact Charodey, Barlar, Cardeah or Doesupz on Kel’Thuzad in-game.

  • Write one of us an in-game mail.

Hey Phasta, if your able to do Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10 am to 2 pm cst id love to talk to you. my btag is wawa#1628

Thats horrible. Hit us up if your interested.

Hey Pashta!

Morning Brew is a horde guild on Illidan that offers a unique morning time slot for those interested. If you would like to chat feel free to reach out!

Bnet: Cen#11694
Discord: Cen#5348

[H] Morning Brew 5/12M 12/12H

Raid Times: 9am-12pm EST | >Wed/Thurs/Friday
Optional Monday Alt run 9am-12pm EST

Recruitment Needs
Ranged – Warlock , Mage, SPriest
Melee – Rogue
Healer – Holy Pally , Disc Priest , Holy >Priest, Resto Sham, MW Monk

Edited my post, now 4/12 and working on hive

Hey, Pahsta!

Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde raids Mythic progression Friday and Saturday 7-10 central. We’re 3/12M with work on both Shad and Hivemind; just need a few better dps to bump it up.

Reach out if you’d like to chat :slight_smile:

Hey! Endeavour - Mal’ganis is looking for a few more solid dps to round out our roster! We’re 7/12M raiding Thurs/Fri 6:30-9:30 CST (Optional Tuesday same time, for heroic clears) We’re a super chill atmosphere raid team but progressive and competitive as well. If this interests you at all, feel free to hit me up on Discord (aspen#4800) or Bnet (Leighh#1473)


P.S. Discord name is case sensitive

Hi Pahsta!

Safe Word (H) on Kilrogg is looking for more mythic-ready DPS for our raid team! Currently 5/12 (AOTC). We raid Tues and Thurs from 7-10 PST, heroic/alt raid is Mon 7-10PST. If you’re interested in content outside of raiding, we push keys and play PvP regularly. We also hold regular social events like guild bank restock night (“Herb & Herb”) and achievement/mog/mount runs together!

Our main recruitment post here has more specific info about what we are looking for and what you can expect from us as a team:


If you’re interested, my discord is Esaora#3578, bnet Lyra#11630. Hope to chat with you soon!

If you’re still lookin id be interested in chattin!

About Us: We came to Sargeras during last tier from Horde-Illidan after classic rocked our roster pretty hard. We have been together since Antorus and are lookin to fill a few more roster spots. Our goals are to push CE in Ny’alotha and every tier/xpac after! We like to joke around during raid for the most part, but when it comes to prog and workin on bosses we know how to get a bit more serious.

Schedule: Tuesday: 9pm-12am PST Wednesday: 9pm-12am PST Thursday: 9pm-12am PST

What We’re Seeking: We are looking for raiders that show up on time and ready more than anything else; additionally, we want raiders that carry a good attitude during progression and learn from their mistakes. Activity outside of raid nights is also something we like to see.

Current Progression: 8/12M (Ra-Den 12%)

Our Goals: Our goals for this tier is to achieve Cutting Edge, the goals after this tier would be constant improvement with the hopes of achieving Hall of Fame for alliance side in the future.

Current Class Needs:
-Fire Mage
-Disc/Holy Priest
-Resto Shaman
-Any exceptional melee DPS

If your class is not listed it does not mean we are uninterested, those are just our current largest needs. We are always recruiting players that play their class well for every spec/role. Plz add one of our contacts listed below to see if you’d still fit our roster!

To Apply:
docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScilRmtMU-k33ifJQ41n95IDePgTXXwTgLEUyraglI5IUI34Q/viewform
(Remove spaces)

Points of Contact:
-Buschh#1254 (Recruitment Officer)
-Glowcat#1759 (Recruitment Officer)
-Chugs#11757 (GM)

About Us
Is A Little Salty (12/12 H evening team, 11/12 H morning team) Is a semi hardcore raiding guild that has been mythic raiding for the past few tiers. After taking a break and moving on to Classic WoW…most of the guild’s players have returned and are back into the full swing of things. Our main team is beginning mythic raiding while our 2nd team is progressing on aotc. Outside of raiding we also push M+ hard as some of our raiders are 2k io or higher, and the majority of the others are 1.6k io or higher and pushing keys daily. Very active guild that has members always looking for keys of all levels, bgs, arenas, and we are in the process of building a RBG team. We are a mature guild that values respect of each other and do not tolerate toxicity.

Main team (12/12 H) 7pm-10pm pst Thurs/Fri
Morning team (11/12 H) 9am-11:30am pst Weds/Thurs
RBG team Tues (time tbd)

Morning team is currently looking for a 2nd tank, a healer, and ranged dps
RBG team is looking for warlocks, mage, rogue, healers

The only things we expect from you is to show up to raids on time, know your class/role, learn the mechanics and perform them, be prepared and respect your guildmates. If you can’t do any one of these simple things then we are not the guild for you.

Contact Us

Hi Pahsta. If you’re open to alliance and our raid times work for you, would like to chat.

6/12 M (12/12H) is a CE focused raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We aim to push progression within a competitive 2-day (6 hour) schedule while still maintaining a fun and positive atmosphere. We treat each other with respect, seek high performance, excellent game-play and a positive attitude. Drama and toxic behavior are not tolerated here.

Raiding only 2 nights a week means we want our players to be the best they can be. Our members have families, careers, and studies, so we need to take the 6 hours we spend together seriously.

We also run Mythic + most days of the week. For some of us pushing high level keys is our primary WoW focus, but we also strive to make sure our raiders are getting their capped weekly rewards.

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)
Thursday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)

Optional: Farm content re-clears (pending participation)

You must be able to reliably make the core raid nights with near 100% attendance. Real life does occasionally hit even the most reliable raider, all we ask is for as much notice as possible.

Current Needs:

We strive for an environment that takes the challenges of mythic raiding seriously while giving the content the respect it deserves. Our aim is, as all mythic teams, full clear of content but with always keeping the friendly spirit of camaraderie alive. We do not require mythic raid experience to join our team but we do expect mythic-level dedication and accountability from all of our raiders. You must be able to take constructive criticism and have ownership over your level of play, and be willing to put in the effort to be a contribution to the team.

We want someone that is going to put forth their best effort. This means knowing your class inside and out, coming to raid prepared with food, flask, runes, re-roll tokens, knowledge of upcoming encounters and your role within them. We are looking for someone who can think on their own and follow a strategy without being constantly reminded throughout the encounter.

Heals – preference for Disc priest + flex/switch hitter healer (solid dps with healing off spec)

Ranged DPS – preference for Mage

Melee DPS – preference for Death Knight (Warrior, DH)

Tanks – flex/switch hitter tank (solid dps with tank off spec)

Exceptional players of any class should always feel free to apply. Our roster is somewhat flexible so we will never turn away a great player. We just want the best 20+ people in our raid so we can progress.

What we expect from you:

** Discord and a working mic is a requirement **

  • Be punctual, reliable, and competent
  • Have a good attitude towards raiding. While we do our best to have fun, our goal is to use our time efficiently and effectively.
  • Have the ability to take constructive criticism. We all make mistakes but repeating mistakes is the bane of progression. Understand your mistakes, learn from them and fix them.
  • Bring consumables: We expect raiders to bring flasks, potions, and some food in case we don’t provide feasts. While we may not pre-pot or food buff on initial pulls, it is expected that during serious attempts, all raiders are maximizing their output.

Our trial period is 2-3 weeks and in that time we consider a several factors - Performance, Situational Awareness, and Fit/Attitude/Attendance. Performance is your output (DPS/healing/threat). Situational Awareness is your ability to not take unnecessary damage and correctly execute fight mechanics. Fit/Attitude/Attendance is how well you fit in with the guild, your outlook on raiding, and your reliability in raids.

Please contact an officer for further information.

In-game: Zenadu | Btag: quirk#1650 | Discord: tipsqueak#6606

In-game: Cloud | Btag: cloud82#11941 | Discord: cloud82#5884

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to meeting some great new recruits!

Currently 11/12M , 12/12H [first week aotc], 8/8M[US110] , 8/8H EP [first week aotc] , 9/9M BoD [US140] , 8/8M Uldir [CE] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge].

Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 disc priest, 1 holy paladin, 1 dk dps/blood flex, 1 fury war, 2 ranged dps(strong preference for spriest+warlock) 1 bm hunter… Potentially 1 other stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

Raid Schedule [12 hours / week for mythic team]
[Mythic] Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sun - 8:30 to 11:30 pm central (9:30 to 12:30 pm est)
[Heroic] Saturday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

Where to apply:
Applications be be submitted on our Google Form here :
forms.gle/jkfbHaTzqWP4BBBt5 (copy and paste link in web browser of your choice)

We just transferred to the largest alliance server in the game, Stormrage! We are making an aggressive push to recruit those who have what it takes to achieve Famed Slayer+Hall of Fame in the final raid tier of BFA and going forward. We also are always recruiting social, normal, and heroic raiders.


We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: We are pushing aggressively for Hall of Fame/Famed Slayer/Sub 100 US in 8.3 Ny’alotha raid and going forward. We show marked improvement every single raid tier. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 5 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. We easily achieve cutting edge every raid tier. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization that is going to be a famed slayer raid guild.

All of our mythic raiders complete at least 1 15 key or higher per week for maximum mythic plus cache loot as well as maintain their neck and cloaks.

More about the guild: This is a semi-hardcore mythic progression focused guild first and foremost. We are an extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 21-33. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

Where to apply:
Applications be be submitted on our Google Form here :
forms.gle/jkfbHaTzqWP4BBBt5 (copy and paste link in web browser of your choice)

If you’re interested in raiding with us and have any questions or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebbie-Stormrage

Kil’Jaeden- recruiting All! 9pm-12am PST.

8/12M Nyo
7/8M EP
8/8H EP (week 1)
9/9 M BoD CE (US 148)
9/9 H BoD (Week 1)
8/8M Uldir CE (US 273)
8/8 H Uldir (Week 1)
11/11 M Antorus CE (US 330)
11/11 H Antorus
7/9 M Tomb of Sargeras
9/9 H Tomb of Sargeras
10/10 Mythic NightHold
10/10 H NightHold
3/3 M Trial of Valor
7/7 M Emerald Nightmare CE

Tues 9pm-12am
Weds 9pm-12am
Thurs 9pm-12am

Currently aiming for CE in Ny’alotha!! Always recruiting strong players!

Tank : Closed
Ranged DPS: Mage,Hunter, Warlock and possible S Priest.
Healer: Pali, H priest, monk, shaman.
Melee: DH.

We expect all of our raiders to be raid ready! Fully gem and Properly enchanted, Food, flasks, pots and runes. Also knowledge of your class and fights.

Please app forms.gle/ycZpwMGydrgDmJ9u6

We are a Colorful fun group that likes to progress on mythic raids! Very tight group, need a few Skilled Players for progression. Lots of M+ groups, alt friendly guild. Optional raids on monday for a chance to push content! Join us for a Good time.

Contact me any time. Bnet tags are pimpion#1425, Sniple#1586 OR app @ forms.gle/ycZpwMGydrgDmJ9u6

Hey there, if you’re still looking we might be a good fit. We’d love to pick up strong ranged dps, especially a fire mage.

Computus Demum has been a progression-oriented raiding guild for almost 14 years. Our main raid nights are Wednesdays and Sundays 8-11PM EST. We do M+ Mondays, and there’s generally action to be had every other night. We’re 5/12 M right now

The majority of our roster are adults who have real outside commitments to things like careers and family, which we generally accommodate. However, our expectation is that you put some effort into grinding and knowing your class and playing it well. We have been slowly pushing our way higher each Mythic tier and expect to arrive at a point where we can hit CE and hopefully sustain it. We do not tolerate drama or toxicity.

  • We require a 75 neck for raid invite*

Fill out an application on our website link and hit up Begzilla(Chibi#1952) or Ando(Dolgare#1940) for more info.

Application(remove the space between h and ttps):
h ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GXbd95MY9VWIznarOiSX6ZHzryuECtQ4AivJvk-ezPk

Our raid leader streams our raids, as well as mythic +'s if you’re interested in checking us out: https://www.twitch.tv/dolgare

Days, times, faction?

< Ouroboros >
Proudmoore - Alliance
Current Progression:
Ny’alotha 6/12M, 13/12H, 11/12N
Eternal Palace: 7/8M, 8/8H, 8/8N
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N Cutting Edge
Uldir 8/8M, 8/8 H, 8/8 N Cutting Edge

Our Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST

Contact information:
Please feel free to apply on our discord: discord.gg/NfV8jwF For more personal information, feel free to contact any of our officers or recruiters via Discord or in game.

Cero Discord: Cero#2814
Nivels Discord: Nivels#5892
Luunae Discord: Luunae#1462

Narumata: Discord: Narumata#8139

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you!

< Diminishing Returns > on Dalaran is currently recruiting for a core raid position. We are a 13-year-old raiding guild focused on end game content. We also enjoy pushing high keys and PVP.
Our website will tell you a lot about our guild, community is important to us. Please take the time to look at it.
h ttps://dr-guild.com/

Raid Times: Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm till 11pm est.

NYA 7/12 Mythic
EP 7/8 Mythic

Currently recruiting for one position:

DPS : ANY, class/spec is not important to us, just performance.

I can be reached at my btag – MsGrimReaper#1894 or discord – MsGrim#5553

hi pahsta how are you? My name is Doc. I am one of the recruiting leaders of we are a core group of past 500 US raiders that are new to the server Area 52. We are 6/12m and we are looking for more people to push mythic content. Our goal is CE for this xpac and are on a good track to do that seeing as how we have a been a guild for a month and a half and are already 6/12m. Please get back with me if you are interested.

BTAG Doc#13771