468 Frost Mage, 1900 IO 2/12 M progression looking for propgression guild


You could play your DH or Ret pally. We’re LF just a few more melee dps to round out our roster for mythic.

Accidently Pro [H] on Area 52. We just formed in February, mixed bag of raiding experience from new guys to those with CE achievs. We’re just looking to down some mythic bosses and push to CE before Shadowlands. We raid two nights a week - Thur & Mon 8-11pm EST. We also have an offnight raid night and do guild m+ groups.

If you’d like to chat further, my bnet is Guts#1679 or you can find me on discord with Guts1679#3950

Hey there, if you’re still looking we might be a good fit. We’d love to pick up ranged dps, especially a fire mage.

Computus Demum has been a progression-oriented raiding guild for almost 14 years. Our main raid nights are Wednesdays and Sundays 8-11PM EST. We do M+ Mondays, and there’s generally action to be had every other night. We’re 5/12 M right now

The majority of our roster are adults who have real outside commitments to things like careers and family, which we generally accommodate. However, our expectation is that you put some effort into grinding and knowing your class and playing it well. We have been slowly pushing our way higher each Mythic tier and expect to arrive at a point where we can hit CE and hopefully sustain it. We do not tolerate drama or toxicity.

  • We require a 75 neck for raid invite*

Fill out an application on our website link and hit up Begzilla(Chibi#1952) or Ando(Dolgare#1940) for more info.

Application(remove the space between h and ttps):
h ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GXbd95MY9VWIznarOiSX6ZHzryuECtQ4AivJvk-ezPk

Our raid leader streams our raids, as well as mythic +'s if you’re interested in checking us out: https://www.twitch.tv/dolgare

Formerly [A] on Lightbringer, we are a guild founded on May 2005 and have been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.

We are rebuilding for Shadowlands but we have enough interest to start within the next few weeks. We are still planning to mythic raid and complete Nyalotha. In the coming weeks we are looking to heroic raid, any mythics we can do and possible BoD Mount runs.

We are currently raiding Tues & Weds 9:30-12:30am EST. We have an optional run on Sundays at the same time which we normally use for Alt Nights, Sales or Normal/Heroic when deep into Mythic Prog, but we may be utilizing it to help catch up just this tier.

We have some raiders that have been mythic raiding this tier in guilds that are 9-12/12M.

Recruitment Needs:
Holy Pally
Disc Priest

Even if we are not looking for your class we always accept any exceptional applicants that feel they would be a good fit!

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to anyone in leadership
GM Xellos BTag Xellos#1969
Officer Llunai Btag Lunana#1345
Officer Ghostyy BTag Ghosty#1481

Go to our WowProgress or PM one of us for a Discord link to apply!

Hit us up!

Hello Felistolor,
I hope this finds you well during this quarantine season. I am from Mediocrity and we are looking for a few good dps to replace some folks that have decided to take a break from the game. You seem like just the kind of person we need on our raid team. I hope to hear from you soon but if not good luck on your adventures in finding a raiding home.

Mediocrity is an AOTC & 3/12 Mythic Ny’a, semi-hardcore Horde guild based on Thrall-US. We are currently recruiting for our Mythic Raid roster to replace some folks who have decided to take a break and looking for a few extras as back up (with rotation on kills as we progress).

Currently Recruiting:

  • All Exceptional DPS

If your class/spec/role isn’t listed still reach out if you’re interested in joining! We’re open to taking all exceptional players.

Progression Raid Times:

  • Tuesday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)

  • Thursday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)

  • Heroic alt runs starting on Wednesday nights (Cross-server Trials are welcome)

Fully stocked GBank - all consumables provided

We’re happy to be home to players of all types - in addition to pushing new content, we also have Keys (lvl 10-20+) run daily with high io heals/tanks in guild! We run old content, level alts, and dabble in PVP.

BNet: Dabbins#11740
Discord: Dabbins#5633