468 Demon Hunter looking for mythic Shadowlands guild

Hi Aeon,

We’re actively recruiting for Shadowlands and looking for players with some prior mythic raid experience and looking to step into a more organized raid environment going into Shadowlands. Specifically, we have a fairly casual raid schedule at 3-hours 3 days per week, but we like to take advantage of our limited schedule by coming to raid well prepared. As a practical example of our preparation habits, raid testing for Castle Nathria is starting tomorrow, and this weekend I’ll be taking videos and logs from other guilds’ raid testing to put together some internal video guides we use as a starting point for our strategy discussion.

In addition to our focus on walking into raid well-prepared, we have a relentless focus on fostering a positive and productive raid culture. I’ve linked out recruitment post so you can read about it. Our post includes example videos of a PTR prep guide from Nyalotha, an example progression pull from a few months ago, and an example farm pull as well.

If you like what you read and watch, drop us an application at the link in the bottom of the guild post, or add me on btag at Klik#1399