459 Ret paladin LFG

I am returning from season 1 and I am looking for a semi-hardcore mythic raiding team. I have been raiding since early 2005 and last season was the only break I have taken from the game.

I can outline my raiding history in either an application or via discord but below will be the criteria I am looking for.

1.) Weekday raiding any days of the week starting no later than 7:30pm EST and ending no later than 11pm EST.

2.) I do not mind transferring servers or factions at this time.

Thanks everyone :blush:

Hey Moosesanity,

Squirt on Area-52 is 6/9 Heroic and looking for a Ret paladin for our core.

We achieved 4/9M Aberrus with 10% on Rashok and looking to push further this tier.

We raid 8-11pm EST Friday and Saturday.

Add us to bnet so we can chat; saeilfa#1679, bantou#1403, leha#11627.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


We are on Thrall and raid Wed/Thur 8-10:30pm EST, currently 6/9H (for sure 7/9H after tonight’s raid). We are looking for a ret paladin for our team. Check us out, see if you are interested in being a ducky!

Hey we might be the right fight is currently 1/9 on stormrage alliance. We raid 7-10 est on Wed/Thurs We push high keys and are currently in need of melee dps and a Mage for our AOTC Focused raid group My discord is Valdes#3581 and Btag is Blitz#12306 let us know!