451 warlock lfg

returning player looking to find a new home - former ce exp - looking for a guild for mythic raiding im 451 item lvl atm , have destro and affliction set . lvl 75 neck and always grinding for more . best times for me are 830-9 to when ever central time .

Hello and good morning, Not sure if your open to Alliance and why you are looking to do this tier ( mythic progression or AOTC casual). I will leave our information below. Looking forward to hearing from you if this lines up with what you are looking for. We have a high need for a warlock.

is recruiting for 8.3 and heading into shadowlands. We are looking to do AOTC with some mythic’s this tier.

Our late night team raids from 8:45pm-11:45am PST/9:45pm-12:45am MST/10:45pm-11:45am CST/11:45am-2:45am EST, Tuesday and Wednesday!

A few key things about us:

  • We harbor an active group of Raiders and Mythic+ runners
  • We have players playing the game at all times of the day
  • We’re on a high pop server with a great economy
  • We harbor active PvPers and Players that enjoy pushing keys
  • We harbor a very active discord, that we enjoy joking and sharing memes with each other thru out the day


  • Tanks
    ~ Any exceptional Players

  • Melee DPS
    ~ Any exceptional Players

  • Ranged DPS
    -Elemental Shaman
    ~ Any exceptional Players
    High Need

  • Healers
    ~ Ideally Holy Paladin and Disc Priest
    ~ Closed to Mistwever Monk
    Also looking for a swing Healer

About Us:
We are a group of returning raiders and are looking to do this tier casually and have some fun. We will be doing Heroic and if we end up with an exceptional 20 people we will dabble in Mythic but CE is unlikely, CE push will come in Shadowlands.

GM: BNET: Broseidon#11698 Discord: Broseidon#1097
Recruitment Officer: BNET Propagator#11115 Discord: Prop#1647
Recruitment Officer: BNET Reign#11984 Discord: Rossy#1245

About You:
About You:
You should be a team player that is here for the guild. If you just plan on raid logging please don’t apply.

You should be a skilled and dedicated player, striving to better yourself alongside the guild. If you feel you might be a good fit for us please reach out to our officers and fill out an application below.

shorturl.at/izQR2 < copy into browser for application

Hey would love to chat more our days are tuesday 830-1030 est and friday 930-1230 est lmk at Cran#1145 if you are interested in chatting more

hmm alliance huh , ill message on btag

No Turning Back 12/12 H NYA

We are a small guild on Sargeras that has an active community both in game and on Discord. We are active during off raid nights with mythic+ and other in game content. We are a 2 night 6 hour a week raiding guild with intentions of achieving Cutting Edge. We have built a solid core and are looking for a few more raiders to add to our community and roster. We like to joke around and pick on each other all in good fun, but when it comes to progression we know how to change modes and be serious to get content down. Our atmosphere is extremely important to us, therefore we have a zero drama tolerance. We are looking for long term raiders with a competitive drive and a desire to always improve.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7:30-10:30pm CST (Invites are sent out 10 minutes prior)

• Complete at least 1 +15 key per week.
• Have DBM/Bigwigs, AngryAssignments, and WeakAuras.
•Keeping Heart of Azeroth neck levels competitive, grinding out corruption resistance on legendary cloak for 8.3
• Be on time for raid invites with consumables which includes pots, food, flasks, and runes.
• Knowing your class. Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, azerite, essences, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight.
• Research on each fight for your specific role/class is required.
• Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar.

Attendance: We are looking for competent and reliable raiders that can maintain a 90% attendance rate. We are all adults with lives outside the game so we do understand that things happen. Our policy on missing raids is to notify an officer before raid, unless an emergency occurs.

If you are interested in joining add my battle tag or discord info:
Bnet: Ash#11430 Discord: Celesaris#7924

Hi Nightzwolf!
We are also a team of returning CE raiders! I’ve added our info below, and are looking for ranged specifically. Would love to chat if you see a fit!

<Entropi> - [H] Zul’jin

Faction: HORDE

  • Cleared Vanilla Naxx 40, 4 Atieshes in retail
  • Several CE achievements throughout the Xpacs
  • Retail Raid Schedule: Sun/Mon 9:30pm-12am EST
  • Recruitment: Ranged DPS (esp Mages), Experienced, team-oriented raiders
  • Classic team option for those interested (1 night/week)

About Us:

“If you are interested in what you do, that keeps you going!” – Stan Lee

For a lot of us, we’ve been interested in WoW since Vanilla. And while we’ve grown older, had families, built professions and obtained degrees, we are still passionate about WoW (yes, even through BFA lol).

We have a 1 night team in Classic and returned for 8.3 and Shadowlands to build new friendships, slay dragons, and conquer mythic content on a short-but-efficient schedule. Our members are mature (21+), working professionals and parents with diverse professional and management backgrounds in areas including Video game development, Comic Books, IT, Software and more. Success through teamwork, communication, analysis, and execution are our primary objectives.

Entropi was previously ranked US 86th (T16) on Zul’jin, and obtained All-Star Team US 3rd (Warcraftlogs Execution Ranking). Our raiders have core experience in various top 100 US teams.

www. wowprogress. com/guild/us/zul-jin/Entropi/rating.tier16_25

We’re looking for exceptional, reliable, team-oriented players to grow our community and strengthen our raid team.

For more information, pls contact:

Bnet: Kaotica#1271

Discord: Kaotica (Render)#5784

< The Gorgonites > is a [H] weekend mythic raiding guild based on the Hyjal realm, we are seeking competitive players to fill out our ranks as we push for AOTC and mythic in 8.3.

Our roster is comprised of raiders who seek cutting-edge progression on a convenient schedule. As a two-night raiding guild, our environment is very laid back with semi-hardcore focus on raiding. With only being a 2-day it is crucial that our raiders are capable of analyzing their performance and constantly striving to become better.

We understand that life happens, however we require raiders to post in discord when they are going to be absent.

Many of our raiders are online at all hours of the day/night running mythic+, farming islands, or pushing arenas. We’re seeking similar players with personality and competitive drive.

Prog & Info
[4/8M] Eternal Palace
[12/12N] [7/12H] Ny’alotha
US - Horde - Hyjal
Fri & Sat 7:30 - 10:30 PST (10:30 - 0130 EST)
Wed Optional ALT/Missed run

Current roster needs:
-Range DPS with OS Heal-
Medium :
-Any tank-

Raid spots are performance and composition based, so exceptional players should always apply regardless of our current needs.

Apply At forms.gle/XrwN5WZBay9UnwJRA


Contact Us


Hey! Don’t go alliance, join us!

I’m the GM of Angry Mob on Mal’ganis and we’re currently 11/12H. We have a short raid week (tues & thurs 8-11 cst) with some optional alt/farm/sale days sprinkled in. We’re an active guild with many people that run M+ and other content outside of raid times.

We currently have no warlocks, and are very eager to fill that core raid spot. Please let me know if you’re interested! I’m jesz#4542 on discord and jesz#1830 on bnet. Hope to hear from you.

for the long version → https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-angry-mob-1112h-78m-6hrwk-lf-dps-🎈

Hey Night,

We may be a bit too early, but we sound like a potentially good fit for your next home - we have quite a few player who came back after a break and have stayed with us because of the environment and limited time commitment! We are looking for a warlock for a core position on our team as we push through mythic with the goal of CE N’Zoth!

[H] - The Graveyard Shift - Bleeding Hollow [9/12H-NYA] 2 Day Mythic Raiding Guild is now recruiting skilled players for our late-night raid team.

US - Bleeding Hollow/Horde

About TES:

  • The Early Shift is a raiding guild that was formed right before Legion. Our goal is to become one of the best 2day guilds in the US! The leadership of TES has been around since Vanilla, and has a vast amount of high end leadership experience.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Strong/passionate/driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A sense of community and direction.
  • Communication.

What we expect from our trials:

  • Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge for raid.
  • Effort to integrate yourself with guild’s community.
  • 100% attendance during 2 week trial.
  • The drive to improve personal play.

The Graveyard Shift - [9/12H-NYA]
6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:

  • Tuesday: 11:30PM-2:30AM EST
  • Sunday: 11:30PM-2:30AM EST

What we’re looking for:

  • We are ALWAYS looking for players with the drive and the passion to push themselves to be the best. With that being said, we have a few classes in HIGH demand:

The Graveyard Shift - [9/12H-NYA]

  • Healer (Pref Rdruid/Hpaly)
  • Retribution Paladin
  • Shadow Priest
  • Shaman (DPS)
  • Rogue (Any Spec)
  • Hunter (Any Spec)
  • Mage (Any Spec)
  • Warlock (Any Spec)


  • Outside of scheduled raid times, the guild is very active in mythic + with several members that are pushing for higher IO scores. We also will set up occasional heroic/mythic runs to gear alts or run achievements.
  • For additional guild information, please join our guild discord and read through the guild info tab - https://discord.gg/GPwSGYn

How to apply:

  • If you’re interested in submitting an application, please use this link below. http://www.guilded.gg/r/AdWR0maBMl?i=54k5B1pm
  • If you have any further inquiries/questions please reach out to me via BattleTag: Guild Master (Zhamy) - Zhamie#11997

We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!

Hey there Nightz,

We’d love to see a skilled lock added to our progression team. If 8-11pm EST can work for you, please, let’s talk!

</ Same Plan, Less Dying /> (Horde-Garrosh) is recruiting dps for our progression (mythic) team.

We pride ourselves in being different in that we are actually active, social and like each other - join our discord, try us!

Anywho! We’re a fun, social guild with Mythic and AotC focus that would love to add more solid people to our team. We are specifically looking for those who like progress without the elitist mentality. We’ve got players who have played together for years and will stay strong for plenty more. :grin:

What do we do??

Mythic Progression team runs Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST. (4/12H, 6/12norm Ny’alotha // 3/8M, 8/8H)
Social team runs Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST (8/12 normal Ny’alotha)
We also run Mythic Keys every day.
We run an active M+ community too. Guilded or not, you’re welcome to be added there. ^.^

B-net: Saxx#1747
Disc: Abs#5438


Hey there! Perhaps we can interest you.

Please Taunt on US-Hyjal, 12/12 H Ny’alotha (Week 1 AOTC), 8/8 M AEP (US 156 WP), 9/9M BoD 6-hour / week team.

We’re honest with people about mistakes and performance, and expect our players to take criticism well. We’re looking for players who share our team mentality, and as long as you’re outgoing and interested in playing the game with us, you’ll be happy playing here.

Tuesday - Wednesday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm PST

Fill out this very short form if you want to chat with us about playing here :slight_smile:

https:// forms.gle/5Arvyfvd1vjxdcHW7 (delete the space after the slashes)