451 Havoc Demon Hunter LF active guild

Havoc Demon hunter looking for active guild going into Shadowlands. the server and guild im in now are both dead looking for my activity.

Add skolo#1341 if u have any questions or leave a comment.


We are currently looking for more DPS for our raid and M+ groups.

Black Omen is an Area 52 Horde guild that raids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11 PM EST.
We are primarily a Heroic raiding guild, but after completing that difficulty we strive to make an attempt at some Mythic raiding. Mythic raiding is optional for all raiders as it is not our main focus. During Eternal Palace the guild had a change in leadership and is moving forward with a more serious approach to raiding.
Progression :
Nya: 8/12H

About Us :
Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday: 8pm – 11pm EST (Server Time)
Progression fights we require all members to be ready to go, on time and focused, when we farm raid it can be a little more laid back.
We strive to maintain a friendly, respectful environment while still having a good time. Bad attitudes are not going to fly. Be supportive and help where you can, while being receptive to others who are trying to extend a helping hand.
We also designate specific nights to M+ content but a handful of us are regularly pushing higher key dungeons last patch and come 8.3’s changes we’re trying to go hard right off the bat. If this is something that interests you we’re always looking for more people to diversify group comps.
What we are looking for :
We want players who want to raid not just in it for an AoTC achievement but for the sake of raiding. We expect players to improve themselves every week not to just get by. We don’t expect the best raiders in the world, we want players that will seek to actively improve their performance and be accountable as a player. Just because we’re not a mythic raiding guild doesn’t mean we don’t want people to apply themselves.
Absences are understandable; however, we expect raiders to inform an officer or the raid leader if they will be unable to attend raids in order for appropriate replacements to be found.
Discord is a required resource, as we utilize it for voice communication, player interaction, and guild cohesion.

Zyven: BNet Orko#1645
Alchmey: BNet: Alchemy#1707

Guild Name: The Third Wave

Realm: Trollbane/malfurion

Faction: Horde

Progression: 12/12H

About Us:

Is a newly reformed guild from legion made of experienced friends looking to push into mythic raiding. We reformed during the last tier and grabbed aotc before the new tier. We are looking to achieve Mythic kills and hopefully push for Cutting Edge in the future. We consider ourselves semi-hardcore while clearing content at a pace that is enjoyable for everyone. Our atmosphere is primarily laid back but serious during progression and when attempting to down bosses. We expect every raider to have high knowledge of their class and understand the encounters or speak up if you are confused. Understand that anything said while raiding is just to help us down the boss. Be able to give and take constructive criticism and not take it the wrong way. At the end of the day we are a team just trying to improve, have fun, and down bosses.

Raid Times:

Tuesday 7-10PM CST

wednesday 7-10PM CST

Friday 7-10PM CST


We are recruiting all Exceptional DPS and healers so don’t be hesitant to apply if your class is not listed below!

Tanks: FULL

Healers: RShaman, Hpally, Disc Priest

RDPS: Mages, Locks, Hunters

MDPS: DH, Warrior, DK,

Goals: Our goals are to achieve CE in the future and earn high rankings among other guilds in are server. As we get better as a guild the goals will increase and go higher.

Contact Information:

BNET CrazyMage#1135299 (DISCORD) Garrett#7560

BNET ClutchOG#11643 (DISCORD) LastingClutch#4203