442 hpal looking for mythic raid team(would like to go for CE)

Hey there! Suspended Degeneracy is looking for new members for our core raid team!

Our Forum Post: [H] [Area-52] LF DPS and HEALS CE Focused 8/8H 2/8M T/W 9-12 EST]

Currently a cross faction guild on Area-52

Raid Schedule:

  • Main Raid: Tues/Wed 9:00PM - 12:00AM EST

Group Needs: 2 Healers

  • Holy Priest: High
  • Resto Shaman: High
  • Resto Druid: High
  • Mistweaver: Medium


If you’re interested in joining the guild and/or have any questions, please add Deathlorrd or Heru on Discord.

  • Deathlorrd#9243 (Recruitment)
  • Heru#9082 (GM)

We're building a community of like-minded people that enjoy a semi-hardcore setting and downing bosses.