442 Augmentation Evoker LF mythic Raiding Guild


Parasomnia is a late night raid team looking to fill spots for our raid team.

Right now we are 9/9H 3/9M.
Our current roster consists of former high level mythic players. We want to progress on a 3 raid night schedule and enjoy all aspects of the game besides raiding. We have a small team of high level mythic + players as well.

Current Needs
DPS Evoker
Aug Evoker
Any healer

Raid times: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 8:30pm-11:30pm Pacific time

If your interested contact;
Irizz#1719 (discord irizz#0828)

Hi natral
Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our raid times are
Tuesday/Wednesday - Mythic Team
Thursday - Heroic Team
10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee

Hello Natral, I am the recruitment officer for Bold-Stormrage.
We are currently recruiting ranged dps for our CE focused weekend team.
We are currently 4/9 with rashok being down very soon
If you have any interest in us, please reach out. Times and contact info listed below:

—Raid Times—

Saturday: 8:30PM - 12:00AM EST
Sunday: 8:30PM - 12:00AM EST

Contact (B-Tags / Discords)

  • GM/RL: Jäger#11356 / staffeln
  • Recruitment Officer: Hildifonz#1843 / hildifonz
  • Healing Officer: Pudgyjoe#1276 / Gorskï#3509
  • Melee Officer: Daniel#14905 / HiP#1609
  • Ranged Officer: cavajason#1988 / cavajason#5383

We could use a Strong Aug Evoker!
NRG-Illidan. Recruiting raiders for mythic progression for current tier and future tiers. We are an AoTC/Mythic prog focused guild formed from 9/9H 3/9M Abberus raiders. We as a core moved from Thrall as our guild broke up and came to Illidan to form a team/community to continue to push mythic progression and continue into future tiers as a Mythic Progression team. We also recruit casuals and M+ players as we push high M+ keys as well.
-Ranged DPS : Warlock/Mage/Spriest/Augmentation
-Melee DPS: Enhance/Unholy/DH
-Healer: Hpal/Rsham
Raid Days/Times:
Tues/Wed 10pm-1am Est.
-Able to make both days/times consistently. Obviously everyone has a life but as a raid team we expect our raiders to just give officers a heads up if you are going to miss a raid day or 2.
-Minimum exp/ilvl: 9/9H Abberus - 435 Ilvl
You can add me on real ID and we can chat further- Zerorez#11983

Hi Natral,

Saw you’re looking for a tight knight community to adventure with and I think we’d be a great fit for you. I’m from a new mythic raiding guild 3/9M on Area-52. We’re looking for players with prior mythic experience who want to raid a 6 hour schedule while utilizing some of the best-practices you see in more serious environments. We’re a group of raiders with various mythic experience, including CEs.

Application: https://forms.gle/ESQXrPm6fsNKvfDx7

We raid 8:30-11:30pm ET Wednesday/Thursday and take advantage of our limited hours by coming to raid well prepared and highly organized. As an example, we watch PTR footage and take a look at logs to create our strats and healing CDs that we’ll use during week 1. We also regularly analyze our play and come to raid with modified strategies to ensure our success.

Our primary organizational focus is progressing through mythic raid content in a constructive and productive raid environment. We’re willing to make short term sacrifices like investing in a player who shows potential and needs some gear and some practice or removing a player who might be highly skilled individually but isn’t on board with playing as a team and keeping the raid culture constructive.

We’re also an active M+ community that has a number of players in the 2.5k-3k io bracket. We are looking for more players to fill out groups for weekly keys.

If those practices and values speak to you, have a look at our recruitment post and drop us an application if you like what you see.

Recruitment post: [Area-52] <Terra> 3/9M LF Mythic-Minded Raiders (Former CE Experience)

Guild: Something Shiny
Server: Cenarius
Current Raid Progression: 3/9M

Hello - we are looking for more bodies to fill our roster team as we have had a few leave. Looking for more that are similar minded for a casual mythic raid team but hope to progress as far as we can.

Raid nights and times are: Thursday and Monday 7-10pm PST.

What we require:
mythic raiding xp a plus, good attendance, addons: Method Raid Tools, RCLootCouncil and Weak Auras. We use a loot council for loot that is tradeable so we can have some sort of control over a balanced distribution.

If interested in trialing or have questions, can add me on bnet: ecdubs#1635 or discord: ecdubs
Pls don’t just add and say nothing afterwards. I will just remove you in a day or so if you don’t reach out. Nothing personal, just won’t keep people who don’t reach out on my list.