441 Ele Shaman LF raiding guild

Hi Mobility. Apotheosis US-Windrunner has been raiding Tue/Thu/Sun 7-10pm PST for the past 15 years with the same lead - so we will be around for Shadowlands! We’re a long standing top guild on our realm with a mature (18+) roster looking to add some main spec raid DPS. If you’re interested in transferring please pop in our DISCORD RnCbgYX and post a message in the recruitment section, so an admin can contact you in game to talk about doing a raid trial. We are specifically looking for some monks who main a DPS spec. We have a bunch of people that casually run M+ in off-time as well.

Hello! I represent Valor on Earthen Ring. Our raid times line up with yours perfectly, and we main raid on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We are, as of week one, 5/8 Heroic, and we were 4/8 M in EP. Our primary goal is to be a low stress environment that doesn’t require people to grind. A lot of us are your age, and we value and want to give people the same loyalty that they give us. If you are looking for a guild to stay with to know you can always raid with them, then we’ll do our best to ensure that will always be the case. Bring in the main raid doesn’t obligate you to do Mythic progression if you don’t want to, either - we have a large roster and are letting people opt out if they choose.

Hey there! Mortui Vivos Docent is looking for dps/heals to round out our raid roster. We are looking to get AOTC and then push into mythic some as well as run M+ content. Raid times are 8-11pm EST Fri/Sat. If this interests you, add my btag Apexya0206#1811 and we can chat more or just reply here!

Hi, we are Mechanically Deaf [H] on Illidan
We are a community of experienced raiders currently progressing in Mythic EP. Outside of our main raids; we are also running alt raids, and tons of M+.
Currently 7/8M 8/8H EP
8.1 Content: 8/9M 9/9H BoD; 2/2H Cos; 6/8M 8/8H Uldir
We supply flasks, and food - We do take all BoE gear to supply these

Wednesday: Mythic 7-10CST
Thursday: Mythic 7-10CST
Sunday: Optional Heroic farm/alts
*Note: At the beginning of a new tier we raid Tuesdays for Heroic Content (generally first 4-5 weeks)

Btag: Draakrin#1371

Mediocrity (10/12H N’ya in first week, 5/8M in EP) is a semi-hardcore guild, based on Thrall-US - it was created by players who want to maintain a mellow time in-game but also want to push content in a meaningful way. We aim to improve where we can and strive to play as our best selves. Led by previous CE raid experience, Mediocrity is for the folks who have interest in raiding with a progression-minded group but on a more relaxed schedule with a meaningful and fun approach.

Currently Recruiting:

  • Ranged (High Priority on : Hunter/Boomie/Ele Sham)

Progression Raid Times:

  • Tuesday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Thursday 9-11:30pm EST (6-8:30pm PST)
  • Optional impromptu Heroic EP reclears and gear stacks created throughout the week

Mediocrity provides all food, flasks, enchants, etc. to guild members.

In addition to raiding we have a solid group of folks that run (and push) M+ keys on a regular basis. We’re looking to recruit all classes/specs for Mythic Keys - the guild runs them daily and is interesting in developing a well rounded group of high IO players. We have high (1700+) tanks, healers, and DPS in guild that are happy to help teach those with the ability to push high

Casual Players are also welcome!

If interested feel free to reply here, contact at bedhed#0001 (Discord) or apply through our Discord (jEDRNgT)