440 WW/BM LF Mythic raiding Guild Frostmourne

experienced Windwalker/Brewmaster monk looking for a raiding guild on Frostmourne to push mythic Eternal Palace.

Hi there, if you are willing to switch to horde barthilas, hit me up! I am one of the GMs for Triage. Discord is Aedralinna#4340!

Hello! just wondering if switching to horde an option :slight_smile:

Our guild is recruiting more dps for mythic prog and could use a WW with tank OS :slight_smile:

raid time : 6.30 - 9.00 pm server Mon/Thurs
Current prog : 3/8M
Server : Barthilas - Horde

My bnet usagi#6215 or discord riisa#3859

Thank you!

Itsshaneo#1845 Add us if you are keen to talk more mate

Wed/Sun/Mon 8-11:30Pm Servertime

Hey my guild are looking for geared DPS on Frostmourne Alliance to bolster our Mythic raid team.

We are currently 3/8M EP, main raid nights are 9-11:30pm AEST Wed/Mon and are active most nights between 8pm-Midnight.

Optional farm night on Thursdays to clear heroic and plenty of M+.

If you’re looking for a horde change of pace we’re looking for DPS currently