440 Hunter LF Guild

Way too late. Sorry

IMPACT (4/8M) is a guild with a solid mythic experienced core seeking to push progression and eventually get CE with hardcore progression on a casual schedule. We are looking for players willing to put in maximum effort to achieve our goals together. Even if your class/spec isn’t listed in our needs feel free to come to us.

Raid Nights: Tues/Thurs 8-11pm est (prog) Fri 8-11pm est casual/alt run

Needs: Ranged DPS

Contact Info:

Added you on btag

Hey Grandbow!!

Here is a little bit about us. Good luck on your hunt for a new home!

is a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis looking for more like-minded individuals ready to down bosses, run M+, PVP, get achievements, and build relationships.

We are not a hardcore guild; we focus first on our environment and the ability to play in a healthy exciting way. We encourage everyone to embrace their love for the game and do so as a team to reach our goals together in unity.

Our raids are led by experienced raiders who have done the research and put in the time to explain, adjust, and help everyone get to the point we need for success.

Current Progression
4/8 Mythic Eternal Palace
8/8 Heroic Eternal Palace AOTC

Raid Schedule
Heroic Wednesday 7:30pm - 10:30pm CST (8:30pm - 11:30pm EST)
Friday/Saturday 7:30pm - 10:30pm CST (8:30pm - 11:30pm EST)
Optional (alt runs, key runs, clean up)

Contact List
GM: Battlenet: Landrius#1121 Discord: Landrius#1015

Put poggers in chat

Heya, we could use another great ranged DPS to add to our roster (we just have 1 hunter now so your hunter would be great!)

Here’s our info:
Guild: Hive on Hyjal/US
Team: The Swarm
Raid Times: Sun/Mon 8:30-11:30 EST (5:30-8:30 PST)
Current Expac Progression: 6/8M EP, CE Uldir, CE BfD

The Swarm is a cutting-edge focused team which still emphasizes community and enjoyment above all else. We raid 2 nights a week, the expectation is that you’re able to have fun but when it’s time to focus up you can play your class at a high level. More detailed background can be found on our wowprogress page.

For more info, DM me or friend me on discord: dysonfm#6085 (or Bnet: dyson#1418)

(Right Coast)
Raid Days:
Sat-Sun 7-10PM Eastern
8/8N & 8/8H (several Mythic XP players)

Actively seeking players to fill a Mythic Roster.
-Right Coast is an easy going fun guild, looking for like minded people. We look to have fun but still take a shot at the highest end of content.
-We strive for AOTC each tier and light Mythic content is the goal!
-There’s no pressure to be amazing or perfect here, we just ask you show up, do your weekly to stay relevant and don’t be a donkey.
-We have groups actively running keys at all levels (even selling if your a money monger)

Currently looking for:
Both main and secondary tanks, our current tank is a college kid and isn’t able to be 100% attendance so his spot is open.
This spot is slightly competitive at the time (a little competition never hurts)
Bring the hit hards and have a good attitude!

Contact Myself or any officer at:
Ghettoskippy#1896 AbbyNormal#1734 Seemly#1529 or Heathen#12917

we are killing ashvane this week and raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-1130 Est we are on thrall and would love to talk and get you on the team <3 Btag Fire#1218

Conviction of Bleeding Hollow (6/8M - 2night a week) guild is currently recruiting a Hunter for our main roster. We raid Tues from 7:30-10:30pm and Sunday from 6:30-10:30pm CST. We may be what you are looking for! Check us out: