440 Holy Priest looking for guild

I can raid saturday nights and all day sunday. 2350 mythic rating, my friends dopped the expansion to play other games while im going all in and bought a 6 month sub so i need people to play with regularly

Dependent upon your exp and what your looking for, BiOL is looking for a priest.
Check us out below and if interested apply and we can chat

Hi Azmontroll,
We have a AOTC semi-hardcore raid team with open spots right now that we are recruiting for the upcoming raid tier. we raid on fri and sat 9:30pm-12:30 EST. Below I have put the link to our guild information for you to look through if you would like. If it looks like something you would like to be a part of please feel free to reach out to me on discord (Byndi) or through Battlenet (DireRaven#1113911) as we would love to add you to the family.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a great day!