439 Balance druid 9/9H LF Raiding guild

Looking for any raiding guild horde or alliance that raids on any day from sunday-wednesday

Leave info below and I’ll contact you!

We are unyielding on lightbringer. Looking for a few more to fill our team for mythic content. We raid Tues/thur 8 - 11 CST, currently 8/9H with good pulls on H Sarth. We would like to get into mythic content soon. edit : Sorry its late after raid, discord is Disbeliever#1140

Our current raid schedule is Sun. and Mon. 9pm cst- midnight cst. Currently 8/9h 2/9m and looking to push further into mythic. We are looking for people who want to enjoy the mythic level content but not at a die hard level, our outlook is ce is great but we arent going to lose any sleep over it. If you are interested feel free to reach out to any one below.

high prio.- Devoker, Boomkin, ele sham, Holy/disc priest or holy paladin
Low prio- dps dk, feral, enhance sham.

all others welcome to apply.



Yo! We are currently looking for the last couple DPS to round out our roster. Midcore CE guild on Illidan (H). Check us out! Raid times are Tues/Weds 8:30p-11:30p cst.


Discord contacts:

Hi, Jspinal! Our guild is looking to dive into mythic soon and we are in need of more ranged dps. I’d love to chat more.

You can find more info and contact details here: [Stormrage] [x/faction] <Vitality> Mythic/AOTC Guild LF DPS!

Hope to hear from you soon!!

Hi Jspinal,

Guild: Retaliation
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Earthen Ring (US)
Progression Raids: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM EST/EDT till 10:00pm EST/EDT
Recruiter Contact: Isego#1586 and/or Carly#1264
We are always recruiting skilled players and players willing to learn regardless of class. We go with a work play hard mentality, where having fun and giving each other a hard time is more important than everything being done perfectly every time.

Retaliation is looking for players who are interested in the following:
Progression (Heroic + Some Mythic) raiding
Mythic+ dungeon progression
Must be 18+ years old
Must use Discord for voice communication during group activities

Who We Are Looking For:
We are looking for players who play for fun, but also take the time to min/max their characters. Since we all have busy lives outside of the game, we are building a community of players that give 110% to maximize their performance.
Successful raiders in our guild are characterized by two things: 1) personality; and 2) type of player. Gear is easy to get, but being a good team player is not. If you are number one on DPS but have a toxic personality, then you won’t be a good fit. Conversely, if you are the nicest person in the world but you always stand in fire, we also can not take you into progression raids.

Guild Expectations:
Invest effort into making sure you understand your class and role in a fight
Demonstrate consistent character progression (login throughout the week)
Be ready to transfer to US-EarthenRing after successful completion of trial.
Have Discord downloaded and working
Prepare throughout the week for boss encounters and follow directions from the raid leader
Dedicated Raid spots require 80% attendance to progression to maintain status
Arrive on time for raids (at least 10-15 minutes early to be invited and travel to the raid location)
Run a 15+ M+ Key with the guild weekly during progression.

How to Apply:
If you are interested in learning more about us, add Isego#1586 or Carly#1264 to your bnet friends list. We look forward to playing with you!

About Us:
Our guild was established in 2007 when we were playing Warhammer Online, and since then we have played various games together, including Guild Wars 2, Rift, SWTOR, Elder Scrolls Online, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, and Diablo 3.
Many of us work full-time (average age is 30’s) and can no longer commit to hardcore raiding progression due to out-of-game responsibilities. However, that doesn’t stop us from having fun and clearing content when we are together! Our primary goal is to clear heroic raids and obtain the “Ahead of the Curve” achievement before the next tier of raid content is released. We have achieved every Curve Achievement since WoD. Even though we are on an RP server, we do not participate in RP activities, but members are welcome to on their own.

Hey there!

The guild isn’t AOTC yet but we’re trying to recruit more players to achieve it.

Treetops of Terrokar is a chill, casual guild of returning raiders who are actively recruiting for 10.1 and need ranged DPS and a healer! We’re aiming for a 2/2/6 group currently and run ATSC every Friday for 4 hours and M+s multiple days a week. Core team has previous history of AOTC.

The guild’s primary focus is achieving AOTC and KSH. We want to build a cohesive, adaptable, and raid-oriented team. We seek individuals who will progress both individually and as a group, rather than just being a body.

Current Progression
8/9 Normal: ATSC

Why 8/9? Roster boss

Raid time: Fridays only 8 pm EST- Midnight.

For more information please contact via discord.

Hi there!

Would love to have u aboard for our aotc/ksm focused guild. We do not have any druids at the moment and would love to have u. I know u don’t list thursday as an option, but not sure how flexible u are so I wanted to drop our post in here anyhow and see if you’d like to join up with a great group of adults who have been raiding together for some time. Hope to see u around…

Hey Jspinal,

Fully Torked (full guild post here), is a 8/9H Sunday 6-9pm pdt guild on Kil’Jaeden. We are looking for more raiders to fill out our roster so we can push mythic raid.

If you’re interested, take a look our guild post and reach out to our recruitment officer (Bnet: Djpaulydbro#1101 or Discord: Deadrush#6667) or me (Bnet: Cavemann#1115 or Discord: Cavemann6#0006).

Welcome, Here you can find information about our guild, roster, players, events, logs and much more…

Horde US Area52

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30 p.m to 11:30 p.m. EST ( PST 5:30-8:30pm, CST 7:30-10:30pm)

Current Progression: 8/8 N 8/8H Voti, Aberrus 8/9 NM, 5/9 H

Recruitment Contacts: Mooney#12761 Btag, Mooney#4629 Disc

Only raid-ready players with logs that meet the minimum ilvl requirement of 400
Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
80%-90% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism

About Us:
Some of us are close buddies who have come here to enjoy the game and kill monsters for fun. We’re here to enjoy the new and old content & to down bosses. We are a small guild searching for raiders that can help us build a strong raid squad, obtain AOTC before the season is up, and begin making preparations for what comes ahead. We want to advance, but we need the bodies to do so! When we couldn’t find a guild that could accommodate our schedules, we gathered a group of friends to start our own squad in 2022, late in the Dragonflight season 1.

We do, however, have some expectations:
Must always strive to improve and move forward, were looking for people to flow with the content rather than fall behind. Be on time, respectful, and willing to learn.
We enjoy making jokes in between pulls and being amusing during boss fights, but when we prog, we frequently take things seriously.

Raid Attendance- We are aware that family and everyday events occur. In the end, we all play to participate in this game, therefore we ask that you do your best to attend raids out of respect for the other players. To let us know when you will be gone.

Our raid team’s current top priorities
Flex tank - Someone who will predominantly dps but is willing to switch to the tank position when necessary. Range dps and HPs are what I’m primarily looking for, but I’m open to talking about other roles as well.

Mage: Any
Druid: Balance/Feral/Resto
Shaman: Enhancement/RESTO/ (ele is ok but prefer enhance)
Priest: Any (prefer Shadow)
Monk: Mistweaver/Windwalker
Warlock: Any
Pally: Holy

Be optimistic- Be diligent and open to learning at all times. Everyone makes errors. Learning from that is the best thing you can do. While making progress, we also want to enjoy ourselves.

If you choose to join us, please keep in mind that this is an 18+ guild. We take ourselves seriously, but we do joke around a lot so be mindful of that.