438 Rogue LF Casual Guild

Looking to stay horde but thank you!

Hi, we are Eternal Embers a group of 5 people looking for members for a Heroic mode raid group whos goal is to experience the content. We are a older group and been playing together for the last decade together. We are aiming for a solid 10 (13+) raid size group that work on killing the content together. We would be a semi-casual group with a goal to get AOTC on a timely manner. A lot of us are experience raiders from various backgrounds and WoW. Few that are coming back to WoW and some that still continue to play during the Eternal Palace. Many of us are flexible with our roles and we are currently looking for all roles; classes do not matter.

We run a lot of M+ together as well

This group is really about getting the right minded people together to do the raids together. A semi-serious group that like to be fun and competive with each other, but we are not going to yelling at people for playing poorly. We want all people whether you’re someone already established and know your stuff plus want to have a fun time and that gets things done still or someone that doesn’t have the experience wants to learn and we can help teach them the way. People that are huner to kill bosses and have fun :slight_smile:

  • DPS
    Faction : Alliance
    Server - Sargeras (Not required to be in the guild for raiding)
    FRI / SAT 2 hours and 30 mins Days
    9pm CST (Realm) to 11:30pm CST (Realm)
    add me at Zefyren#1905 or Zef#7586 on Discord for more info
    (Discord is better, since i’m available anytime)

Oaken Rebirth is Recruiting for 8.3 and beyond.

We are currently reorganizing to focus on Heroic content this coming Tier. Once we achieve AotC we may dabble in Mythic.

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday & Wednesday 830pm-1130pm EST

Recent Past Progression: 1/8M EP, 7/9M BoD, 5/8M Uldir

Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Zaratta#8070 BNet: bbqelf#1383

Requirements: Attitude>Skill>Gear We can farm gear and teach you how to play, Attitude is completely on you though. Looking for Team First Players.

Needs: With more of a focus on Heroic Raids this Tier we will have more roster flexibility so all are encouraged to check us out. However Ranged DPS, Especially with a Healing Off-Spec is most in need currently.

Heya, if you’re still looking for a guild feel free to add me @ NukFur#0990 on Discord or NukFur#1660 on BNet

Hi! If you haven’t found a guild yet Epìtaph is currently recruiting for our raiding team and mythic plus runs!

We are on Draka/suramar and have a friendly bunch of players who enjoy seeing conent and pushing higher keys.

Raid wise, we are 8/8H and are looking for pretty much all roles as we have many members currently that are flexible. We raid Friday nights at 9pm est. In 8.3 we are planning on adding another day.

We run mythic dungeons daily and have a very active discord channel. Feel free to message me on battlenet at Alikona#11551 or discord Dem#5747 if you have any questions. <3

thanks yall!

Massacre is always looking for more people to enjoy the game with us! Our primary focus is mythic raiding, but we are also social and active outside of raid times with alts, m+, and an alts/friends raid. We are even on Turalyon which is based on the east coast!
Take a look at our app or hit me up in discord (Kara#8556) if you’re interested!
Good luck with your search!

Guild: Dominion
Area 52 – Horde
8/8H 6/8M EP

We are a progression focused guild that realizes real life happens. We are not seeking server firsts; however, we do want to clear the top tier content. We were founded in Vanilla on Alter of Storms were we consistently made server second kills. However, the population on AoS was dwindling so we transferred to Stormrage in 2012 where we remained in the top 10-20th guild. With the Alliance raiding population dwindling we transferred to our new home, Area-52 in 2019 with the expectation of continuing our long-standing success.

In short, if you are looking for a consistent guild that makes progression targets, without the demands of those in the World First Race, Dominion may be the place for you.

We are recruiting all Exceptional DPS and healers.

Guild Progress
h ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Dominion
h ttps://raider.io/guilds/us/area-52/Dominion

Raid Times
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-11PM EST
Optional Heroic Saturday 8-11PM EST

How to Apply
Please fill out an application at h ttps://forms.gle/yQJL9s8R8Vcv3F2s7
Visit our Discord for more information at h ttps://discord.gg/CJNKuXS
Feel free to contact any officer in game with questions; ĂĄrch (Arch#11328), Sarisia (Solarshadow#1696), Aureliee (Aurelie#11489), or Kobrakaix(Kobrakai#1378)

Thank you!

Forgone Conclusion on Thrall is a group of retired progression raiders that have come back to the game after our own personal hiatuses. We are mostly working professionals (adults) who log into WoW to unwind and have some fun. At some point in all our WoW careers, we have pushed progression content prior to taking a break. Now, we are back and reforming with a good core & would like to raid casually. We enjoy doing guild runs (mythic +, islands, etc) and having fun.

We are looking for players that want a casual, 2 night a week raiding experience. This guild would be a good choice for you if you are new to raiding, coming back to raiding after a hiatus, or have suddenly found yourself in the midst of being an adult and have less time to dedicate to the game than you used to.

We are looking for a healer with DPS o/s (pref a druid/boom-chicken but will consider all . Although some of us have pushed Mythic progression, we will likely stay a heroic team at this point (at least for this expansion).

On a side note, we are also looking for RDPS - so please, feel free to PM me even if you aren’t a flex healer.

Raid nights:
Fridays & Saturdays 930-12 midnight EST . First raid will be 1/19 @ 930pm EST.

Battletag: Bizzles#1576

Last bump before a repost thanks everyone!