437 Hardcore Holy Priest LF mythic raiding guild 2/8M

IGN: Cymbidium, Server: Arthas
-exceptionally fast learner (Bachelors degree in Computer Science in one of the prestigious schools)
-easy going and professional (Work ethics)
-open to new ideas (Need to show proofs/evidences of course)
-resilient to difficulties faced (Can handle frustrations faced in progression)
-willing to contribute (Help guild members in need)
Things to improve:
-Lack of gears (Returned to the game 3 weeks ago)
-Hands on experience in mythic fights under current patch (Have past experience)
-Learning DPS off-spec (Shadow lacks gear and needs work on rotations)

What I’m looking for:
A mythic progression guild that is passionate about the game with open minded members. The current progression of the guild does NOT matter to me, a solid roster is the key to success, progression will come after.
Available raiding times:
MON/TUE/WED/TH: from 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm EST
FRI: from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am EST
SAT: from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST
SUN: from 6:00 pm to 12:00 pm EST

I’m open to server transfer for 8.3, as for 8.2 Cross server mythic will be open next week. Toss me a friend request or leave your message below if you want to know more about me or talk a little bit about yourself.