Cooking Impossible PVP Brawl

We were getting gratuitous DCs playing gravity lapse too. Horde won one 1500 vs 50 due to the whole alliance team dc’ing.


I mean, you can always report it as a bug or you know, cry about it in the GD section. Oh wait…

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Horde in merc mode rarely try to win. They usually just AFK or tell alliance players to lose quickly for more honor.

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Alliance bias Blizzard causing Horde players to disconnect news at 11.

Fur the Horde :fox_face:

There is a broken part of the map at the bottom of the horde ramp. If you try to get past it, that is when you dc.

Due to an issue with the Cooking Impossible map, we’re going to temporarily change this week’s Brawl to Temple of Hotmogu.

Cooking Impossible will return at a later date!


You guys a really striking out on brawls recently. Sorry to hear.

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Whaddya wanna bet that if Alliance were the ones losing, this wouldn’t get fixed until reset? :smirk:


Exactly what I wanted! Thank you!

so an issue that affects horde like this gets addressed immediately.

when does that happen for alliance?


it hasn’t ever.


Horde crys and gets a response as usual

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The map is literally bugged where Horde can’t win and dc trying. You can’t be this selfish.

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Exactly. If you’re Horde, your comfort is a priority.

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the same thing happened with gravity lapse for alliance a few weeks ago and we were told to just suck it up. everybody was getting DC’d upon hitting the ground, reconnecting and zoning back in to another horde flag cap.

blizzard did nothing.

this isn’t selfish, i just want the same rapid response for alliance that horde gets


Korrak’s revenge is indication they won’t fix bugs that favor horde for months.


Citation needed. :woman_shrugging:

But seriously, if this is happening at all, it should be addressed…

As someone who doesn’t have a dog in the race, because I refuse to PvP, it’s unacceptable from either side I just severely doubt what your describing here happened.

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Citation needed. I don’t remember this at all. I play on both sides, my dude.

The Brawl isn’t even down yet, farm it for the free conquest you want. This manufactured outrage is misplaced. Let’s instead talk about the WC3 eula. :stuck_out_tongue:

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there wasn’t a blue post about it, but lots of alliance complained. i just gave up on brawl that week because it wasn’t worth it. gravity would pop, we’d fly up, then hit the ground and disconnect. you can look through my post history to find my own complaint. there wasn’t a blue response, and horde players mostly just trolled the thread.

don’t get me wrong, blizzard absolutely is in the right for switching the brawl wiht horde having this issue. it’s not fair to either side.

but they have a pattern over time of jumping to address issues that affect horde, while ignoring the ones that affect alliance, and that’s wrong.

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So, when is it going to be changed? it’s still cooking.

Also will I get in trouble if I spam it over and over?

The name is accurate, it is 100% impossible for the horde to win, a huge chunk of the map is just missing and it just happens to be where the horde need to hand in ingredients and entering into this area instantly crashes the game.

Bravo blizzard, bravo!

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