432 Ret with 423 Mage alt LF raiding Guild

Hey guys, I’m an old school player from wrath cata and some mop that is looking for a raiding guild. In wrath I cleared naxx (immortal and undying), ulduar, TOGC, and 11/12H ICC before prepatch. I also was 6/7 H during firelands and 8/8 in dragon soul. I raided sporadically after that so i don’t know what this skill level would equate to these days, but I have done 4/8H in a random pug the other day but am looking to join a raiding guild with a good consistent schedule that is clearing content. If anyone has any need for a ret paladin or mage let me know!

My btag is Flash#13288

Sent you a request on bnet

Lok’tar, friend.

Cinder and Ash [H] [3/8M 8/8H] LF Ranged and Heals is currently looking for more dps. We raid W/Th 7-10. Your mage would be higher priority, but if you’d rather ret and you can be reliable/skilled, we’re open to melee.

I added you on bnet. :slight_smile:

Hey Flash,

Fathom is a friendly Horde mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis, who aim for our guild to be a real home for our members as well as maximizing the 2 night raid schedule, so our raids are both enjoyable and efficient.

We raid Fri and Sat nights, 8:00pm to 11:00pm CST - (which is 7:00- 10:00 Est) We are currently 8/8 H and are aiming for Eternal Palace Cutting Edge with mythic progression starting next week. At the moment we just need a few full time dps to round our roster out!

You sound perfect and I’d love to have a chat if you’re interested. Best of luck with your hunting!

You can check us at:

Thanks for time, hope the hunt goes well!

Howdy! Earth Go Hard is a two day weekend raid group located on the Mal’Ganis server. Currently we’re 3/8M, 8/8H with two progression kills happening this past Sunday in the same raid night.
We raid Saturdays and Sundays from 8-11pm EST. We’re looking to compete for cutting edge this tier and build our community that stems back 7+ years. We have players that compete at a high level and love competition. A bonus is that most of our players are very versatile and don’t mind swapping roles for betterment of the group. We focus on progression but we keep raid light during farm because this is a game and we’re going to have fun playing it. If this atmosphere is something you’re interested contact any or all of us below because we’d love to talk to you about joining our ranks!

Murrik: EMG#11389 - Officer
Shaytrix: Shay#1599 - GM
Thinblubrawl: One2Three2#1153 - Recruiter