430+3/8M Boomkin lf mythic raiding guild

Hi ,
(Ignore the portrait / guild / faction it posted on. For some reason my druid doesn’t work on the new forum or want to update)

Currently at 432 Ilvl (may have change since i have posted benthic/m+ luck)

I’m trying to find a new mythic guild to raid with that raid between 5pm-11pm EST Horde that is actually raiding and active.

Current Raid experience has i post this(for this expension) 3/8M(has i wrote this post) , 9/9M BoD , 7/8M Uldir

For OS i’m willing to learn resto for fight where it may be needed but i’m not a healer at heart.

Looking for new home with active player to push mythic raiding or Keys. I’m dedicated for raid and learning new encounter ,active in most part of game outside PvP. Experienced with raid.

Neck at 61 (at the moment of the post) With all the essence at rank 3 that matter at this moment.

If you are interested to learn more feel free to add me.

Bnet : Kal#11528

Ruined Immersion raids one day a week (Sat) from 11:30am-3:30pm (EST). We do mythic keys, island expeditions, and various other things throughout the week. As a bonus during raids one of our tanks has players roll at half time for 100k gold and whoever wins gets it. Now how many guilds can you say are out there that offer an incentive for raiding? If this sounds like something you might be interested in check us out below:

Still looking