424 DH LF New Home! Semi-Hardcore or Casual :)

Hey Tech!

I’m the GM of Safe Word on Kilrogg/Winterhoof, and we could use more dps for our M/W raid group. Not only are we a raiding guild, but we’re one big family. We’re just under 50 individual players, but we’ve done an amazing job at being inclusive and avoiding cliques that you’d see in larger guilds.

Our server doesn’t offer much in the way of active chats or w/e, but I’ve always found that a good guild can make up for that. That being said, Kilrogg/Winterhoof is on the low/med side of things. We’ve also done a good job of networking with other guilds and teaming up for M+ or alt raids.

Anyway, here’s my long post about the guild and what you could expect if you were to trial/join: Delete please

I’ll go ahead and add you on Bnet, but here’s my information just in case:
Bnet: Fried#11205
Discord: Fried#5654

Good luck finding a guild!