421 DH LF Raiding Guild

Hey Gena!

Apologies if you’re not looking to go horde, but I figured I’d give it a try :slight_smile:

I’m the GM of Safe Word on Kilrogg/Winterhoof, and I still have a few DPS spots open for our M/W team. This team is already 8/8N, and 4/8 Heroic on week 2. This group will focus on AOTC, and casually progress through mythic when we’re ready (though it won’t be mandatory). We raid 7pm-10pm PST (which sounds like it aligns with your desired start time) with a small break around 8:30pm.

Here’s my long post about Safe Word and what you can expect from us. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to add me on discord or bnet!

Thanks for your time and good luck!
Bnet: Fried#11205
Discord: Fried#5654