4.1k pve gs / 4k pvp gs shadowlands glad xp unholy dk LF arena or 25 man raiding guild

Almost full pve bis besides legs, 1 trinket, and a 2her. Have full cleared 10 and 25 man naxx each week. Have 25 man maly attune neck as well as dark moon greatness.

Also 1626 (33-18) in 2s

Looking for a guild to just pvp with and do 25 man naxxramas preferably with an SR loot system. Only items I’m looking to roll on are a 2her, a trinket, and tier legs. I’ll continue to raid after I’m fully bis geared as well and into future patches.

Hit me up below, in game, or on bnet at Riskless#11781

EDIT: found one ty