418 6/8 M mage LF Mythic raid guild

First of all I would like to thank you for taking your time for viewing / reading this post.

My raid times are any day of the week up to 11 EST / 8 PST. I have my work schedule in advance and will always post if I can’t make it. I don’t mind a rotational bench position.

I have raided with some top guilds and players in past. I have a long line of raiding history that extends from since wrath. I do have a real life outside of wow ,a job and now a baby!

One feature that distinguishes me from the rest that I have the ability to survive from beginning to end of a boss fight. I don’t make the same mistake twice and I am open to constructive criticism. I have been maining a mage since wrath and like to play at high mythic content level.

My focus is to kill the boss and not parse, so I don’t have the best numbers. I spend quite some time to gear up and socket outside of raid.

Below is some spam about me.
.- Adaptive to changing environment and move accordingly to react to mechanic changes.

  • Watch my feet regularly to avoid standing in bad areas.
  • Always show up to raids on time and prepared to raid.
  • Dont mind constructive criticism as long as the main purpose is to further enhance capabilities rather than just pointing out faults with no solutions .
  • Will study all fights in advance, videos, strats.
  • Mythic mode focused raider.
  • I dont mind progression wipes as long as raid leader understands capabilities and limits of the group and requirements to overcome boss.
  • Very strong internet connection, almost never have any issues with latency or computer wise during raiding. I have a backup laptop and another desktop ready to go if main fails.
  • Competitive oriented player, don’t mind competing for a spot to a certain extent.

Thanks for your consideration.

References available upon request.



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still looking for raid team

any replies folks?

If you could handle T/W 845 to 1145 EST, I would love to offer you a trial with us. If you are interested contact me at Bigwhoop #1156

still looking ty

Naughtytime here! Back with more Raid recruiting for my guild :slight_smile: OPEN to horde or alliance players with cross faction coming out soon (:
IMPORTANT - Currently 5/8 mythic Sub 30% dathea prog.

I am the GM/ RL of The Alliance guild, Exclusive Outcasts (EO) on Kel’thuzad. We are an AOTC/ mythic prog guild! This guild is over 5 years old, collecting every AOTC all the way back to Uldir! With casual mythic prog along the way, but I feel like we have taken the step from casual to actually becoming a mythic guild.

We have finished AOTC! 8/8. While downing Mythic Kurog recently! 5/8M. Open for recruiting. The scene is very competitive, and spots are earned and never in stone.

We raid Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 - 12:00 AM (6:30-10 server)

I have my vets, I have my regulars, I have my new people. Right now we have 20-22 people! Looking for more :slight_smile:

As we all know I will have to cut the team down to 20 for mythic. Which means I will need fillers and bench roles. Ready to go as soon as the discord ping is sent! We have certain rules all raiders are expected to follow. (We can chat about this over DM.) I’d rather have a lot of people raiding and a fun guild atmosphere then worry about the roster bug killing prog. Rosters are never set in stone are are talked about and reviewed weekly. The potential to bring in a certain class for a fight or someone to fill for someone having an off night is huge for progression. I always tell my raiders to not be discouraged if you do not make the top 20. Use it as motivation. Master your class, own it. Mythic raiding is a lot more than just 20 people. It’s a whole guild effort.

Tanks - Two main tanks are set. Off tanks for mythic plus.

Healers - very competitive. Will never tell someone no. This spot will be earned. Potentially our strongest part of the team.

Dps - not going to be picky. BUT. DK’s, enhance shamans, and Ret pallys! Anyone can come as long as you can pump, stay alive, and do mechanics.

We run keys nightly all week long, all you gotta do is ask for help! we have had multiple people achieve KSM and push into higher keys(20+). Mount runs and achievement runs are planned and completed when brought up! We are in discord nightly having a good time! :sunglasses::sunglasses: Excited for you to join us!

Contact me at my battle net/Discord or just comment on the post :slight_smile:

Ty - Naughty#3575

Hey there! I’m not sure if you’d be interested in a more casual environment as well, but thought I’d offer! :slight_smile: We’re a semi-casual guild - One More Pull on Zul’Jin and currently looking for dps! We focus mainly on getting aotc, and have achieved it each tier since our forming in S1 Shadowlands. Our raid times are Tues/Thurs 8-10:30 EST. We’re looking to dabble in mythic as well as soon as we beat the roster boss, and outside of that always down to push keys. If you’re still looking for a guild, feel free to message me on disc! Mollotov#2682

if you could push it to midnight eastern/9pm pst we would love to have you. we are currently 6/8M and extending until we kill raz. ill leave our guild post and hope to hear from you!

hi bump ty

Hey! Sent you a discord friend request.

My guild is Saltforged, on Illidan and we are currently 5/8M. Raids are Wednesday & Thursday 7-9:30pm CST. We provide consumables, feasts, and repairs.

My discord is Marsela#1976 if you wanna chat!