Add me on BNET!!! Rawra#1290
We could really use Sham as we are 5/9M on 4th phase of Rahsta. Totems would be amazing
We raid TUE/WED 915-1215 Eastern LMK if you wanna chat
Add me on BNET!!! Rawra#1290
We could really use Sham as we are 5/9M on 4th phase of Rahsta. Totems would be amazing
We raid TUE/WED 915-1215 Eastern LMK if you wanna chat
Hey there!
We are looking for a Resto Shaman!
We are a 8 year guild 9/9M BOD , Previously 8/8M Uldir 11/11M Antorus 9/9 M TOS 10/10M NH and EN/TOV.
We raid 3 days Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 7:30pm CST- 10:30pm CST
if those days and times sound good, we should chat!
Falux#1649 or Dvexx#1490
Vivified is a newly established competitive raiding guild led by experienced and accomplished Cutting Edge players looking to assemble a top tier group of players who are dedicated and skilled enough to push Cutting Edge and once our roster is fully optimized, pushing at least top 100 US.
Progression: The raid team will be led by players with multiple cutting edge tiers and a competitive mindset, most recently 8/8 mythic Uldir and 9/9 Mythic BOD.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10PM - 1AM EST
All spots are available - We are looking for outstanding, competitive and motivated players to progress through BFA. Anyone interested will be asked to participate in a short interview before joining. High level M+ players also welcome.
High priority needs:
Shadow priest
Resto sham
Resto druid
Knowledgeable in all specs that you will be playing
Have knowledge of stat priorities, best in slots, and class changes
Competitive and extremely motivated
Positive mindset - no toxicity
Timely - show up to raids on time and let an officer know when you can’t make it
Able to take constructive criticism and advice from other guild members
Respectful and generally a good person all around - zero tolerance if these rules are broken
Azerite and gear upkeep (enchants, sockets, continuously upgrading)
Knowledge of mechanics BEFORE coming to raid
Personal consumables (food, flasks, runes)
Focused during progression and pulls
Outside of Raid
We are a close group of friends who enjoy progressing at a competitive rate, but outside of raid we know how to take (and tell) a joke and enjoy each other’s company. We enjoy pushing high level keys, always generally in Discord together. We strive to form strong relationships with each of our guild members to ensure that each member feels welcome and an integral part of the team and family.
We plan on progressing as aggressively as we can. For every raid tier, we plan obtain Cutting Edge, earn all the Meta achievements available to us, and eventually maintain a top 100 US position. With these goals in mind, it is important that our guildies remain motivated and competitive as the expansion moves forward.
As the guild’s leaders, we hope to acknowledge and resolve any concerns in a timely manner in order to prevent hindering progression (i.e., roster issues, complacency, drama, etc). We are welcoming and open to concerns guildies may have and are willing to discuss in order to reach a resolution. Our main goal is to progress, but maintaining good relationships with our guild members is our highest priority.
Contact Info
If you are interested in joining or have any questions regarding the guild, please contact us at -
Guild Name: Avant Garde
Faction: Horde
Realm (US): Illidan
Realm Timezone: Central Standard Time
Current Progression: Reform from 8/9 M BoD with CE Ghuun.
Raid Times: 8:30PM -12 CST
Raid Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday
Openings: Skilled players of any spec and class
The core of Avant Garde is comprised of players with an incredible amount of gaming experience. Avant Garde began its World of Warcraft experience early in the beta and has been active on multiple servers since the servers came online in 2004. With the continual improvements Blizzard has been making to this amazing game we see no end to our career here and look forward to moving up the charts for several expansions to come.
The aim of Avant Garde is somewhat different than that of your typical hardcore guild. Like many ambitious guilds we are not happy with simply being good and strive to eventually be the best. To achieve this we look at the long term solutions rather than the quick fix. Our goal is to build a strong, resilient community of players that know that their online gaming is a passion and not simply a temporary distraction from life. We seek a mature, accountable membership capable of balancing real life responsibilities with the demanding schedule of a hardcore gaming group. We look for working adults with a stable atmosphere and clear perspective of what they want from the game. In doing this we hope to continue building on our solid foundation a membership that will be here for years to come.
If this is the type of environment you’ve been looking for, please apply including any information you think we need to know. After sending an application, if you would like to follow up feel free to contact us in game on off raid hours.
Application Link : https:// com/forms/d/1mlhC11-L9_cwbl4iNhWppof8F8yg64hj1PmMC-UDgzo Remove space after // and the space between .com to copy and paste)
how would you feel about possibly ele full time with resto as the os? 7/9m guild lf range dps with healing os as of right now. monday-wensday 830 est to 1130 est sparkytiz#1491
<Disturbed> - Zul’jin - 3 nights/week - Semi-Hardcore
Progression: Mythic (9/9)
Disturbed is a Semi-Hardcore Guild. We finished 330 in US and 15 on the server in Legion. We are an active guild who runs a ton of mythic plus throughout the week and weekend. Looking to beef up roster in 8.2, running trials through reclear. Fun and not so serious attitudes are most welcome. We have fun.
Raid Schedule:
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Monday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Optional Raid Day (Heroic Clear) - Tuesday 8:00 PM EST
Holidays will be rescheduled.
Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time
Please Apply at: disturbedguild .com
In-game contacts:
Potty (Nuttie#1266)
Madness (Madness#12309)
Guild & Server <Almost Awesome> Stormreaver
Raid Time & Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8-11central. (yeah, 6 hours)
Current Progression: 9/9M BoD
Contact: Discord - Lukas#8974 | Bnet - Lukas#1674
If you can do morning raiding, feel free to check us out!
Constant Insanity is a MORNING raiding guild based on Sargeras Alliance side with a goal of completing mythic content while it’s current. We are a relaxed group of adults and most of our raiders either work alpha shift or live overseas. We spend a lot of time pushing M+ keys together on off days and after raids and have a decent amount of people with high io scores. We also run pug raids multiple times per week and do achievements together.
Regarding recruiting, while we have a “wish list” of classes, a good player with a positive attitude is worth more than a specific class. If you are interested, feel free to look us up on discord or add to BNET even if you don’t see your class/spec listed below!
Current Crucible progression:
2/2H (AOTC week 1, haven’t tried mythic yet)
Current BoD progression:
7/9M (69 pulls for Mekka kill )
Raid days:
Weds 8-11am CST
Thurs 8-11am CST
Current Needs
1-2 exceptional DPS (prefer mage, warlock, spriest, moonkin, ele shaman…)
1 healer (any class considered)
Discord: kalanii#9911 (lowercase)
Bnet: Kalanii#1116