415 Ele Sham LFG Late night Raid, M+ and PVP

Hello, I have played WoW for a long time. I transferred to Zul’jin from Tich to raid with friends who’s time’s no longer match my own. I am looking for a team to join that raids, M+'s and PVP’s late and during the week. I have seen BWL when it was content and completed every raid while it was content except Naxx in vanilla. I can play resto if needed in any of the area’s. my BTag is Wolfin#11434 or in-game mail, the special letter in my name is Alt0237. Here are my Armory and raider io links,
/us/zuljin/Wolfspiríts, and us/zuljin/Wolfspiríts.

Hi Furrestruns, I think you’d make a good fit for our mythic weekend team at Adversaries. We’ve been looking for more flex dps on that team and we have no ele shamans at this time. The raid schedule is Fri/Sat 9pm to 12am EST. Let me know if you’re interested; my btag is Keljran#1466 and I can also be reached in discord at Keljran#5859.