414/2650 UH DK LF Raiding/M+ Guild

Hi all,

As title says, I’m an Unholy DK ( Redfield ‹Critical Elements› @ Stormrage (US) (raider.io)
Alliance, but I am looking to switch back to Horde. I haven’t raided much this tier but I have raided off and on since Vanilla. Unfortunately, my current guild’s raid times do not work for me, and so I’m looking for a guild to push PvE content with. I’m not super concerned with getting CE every tier. At least AOTC, and anything else is a plus.

Looking specifically for weekdays, around 8:30 PM EST start time, for raiding.

I can be reached at B.net: Encore#1510 or Discord: Suits#0654

Thank you!


I sent you a request on disc. We’re planning to fill to 20 for mythic but we are also clearing heroic each week. Let me know if you’re interested! Disc: Deathlorrd#9243